We've all been there. Struggling to find a new book to read, scrolling through Goodreads, list after list, and nothing catches your eye. Looking at your packed calendar and finding zero time to fit in enough reading time to finish a whole book, so why bother starting?
I tend to go through cycles in my reading habits. Either I'm devouring books at a rate that alarms friends and family or I can't be bothered to pick up a book. Sometimes it feels overwhelming to choose something new to read. Sometimes I'm tired of reading a few duds in a row and give up entirely. And other times, I don't feel like I have the time to devote to reading so I don't want to do it at all.
The worst part about a reading slump is that you want to read, but you just can't seem to get into it. Everything is blah. With these ups and downs, I've developed a couple of tricks to get me back to my best self, the one with a book in her hand.
Read on for 10 ways to dig yourself out of a reading slump and enjoy reading again!
1. Try a new genre
This by far is my best hack for getting out of a reading slump. Many times, I find myself binging on a certain genre or trope and after the thirteenth book, I lose interest in reading itself. In these cases, jump to a totally different type of book to branch out.
2. Find a new place to read
Moving that place you read can make the experience feel fresh again. If you usually read in bed, try sitting on the couch inside. If you're usually holed up inside, grab your sunglasses and get some rays with a new book outside. Shake up your routine a little and you may find you just needed a different setting.
3. Try a "not so popular" book
I am so guilty of getting wrapped up in the pressure to read popular books that I will stress about not reading the "right" thing and put off reading altogether. Look, everyone likes different types of books and I promise, there is a book for everyone out there. No one should feel like they are paralyzed in reading because what they like isn't trending on social media. Pick up the book that you find interesting, worry about posting later.
4. Read reviews with spoilers
I may be the only one who does this, but sometimes I indulge in reading reviews with spoilers to get me excited to read a book. Knowing more about what I am signing up for and hearing more details about the plot can help me weed out books easily and find something I know I am going to like. If you've ever read a review with spoilers, they can be very opinionated but I like getting an unfiltered view of the book that goes beyond a carefully crafted blurb.
5. Try a novella
Novella's don't get enough credit where it is deserved! Typically, fewer pages mean the plot moves a little faster. This pacing may draw you into the story more and before you know it, you've finished and have whetted your appetite for more reading.
6. Reread a book you gave 5 stars
If you're trying to get back into the act of reading, remove the hurdle of trying to find the right book to read by reading a story you already know you love. Rereading your favorite book can remind you how much you enjoy reading and get you in the right frame of mind to continue.
7. Switch up your mode
Go from paperback to hardcover, or from audio to a Kindle and see what feels right to you. Some of us (me!) were solely convinced that we could never read anything on a screen until we try it. Personally, evolving from only reading paperback books to digital ones has given me more opportunities to read. Now, waiting in the grocery store checkout line for ten minutes is ten more minutes I get to read my favorite book on my phone.
8. Challenge a friend to read with you
The buddy system rarely fails! Challenge a friend to read a certain amount of minutes a week, or agree to meet up for coffee once you both finish a book to chat about the story. Having accountability to someone can make all the difference in motivation to get back into reading after a slump. Reading doesn't have to be a solo sport.
9. Multi-task
When I'm sitting on the sidelines of my kid's practice, instead of using that time to endlessly scroll through social media, I read. Yes, I'm watching the super cool trick my kid makes for the twentieth time but I'm also having some me time with my favorite story. When you're plugging away at work doing mindless tasks, why not put on an audiobook instead of listening to Spotify? Finding ways to fit it into your busy life can make reading feel more accessible and effortless.
10. Read at night
I swear I only discover amazing books when I start them at 11 pm. I'll tell myself I'm only allowed to read two chapters before I go to bed, but we all know it's a lie. I dare you to try it, start a book at night, but just don’t have big plans the next morning because you will be tired. It may seem a cheeky tip, but it works.