I cannot believe that 2024 is staring at us right in the face. How is it possible?
One year ago, a couple of weeks into January 2023, I got up the courage to purchase the domain www.ratherbookish.com. With the crazy idea that maybe I shouldn't listen to my inner critic, I started a book blog.
I'd wanted to write a blog, probably something to do with growing up in the early days of the internet that convinced all of our young minds that exposing your inner thoughts to strangers was fun. However, I tend to be very good at making excuses and there were always a couple floating around to convince me now was not the time to add another project to my to-do list.
With two thriving kids, a more than supportive husband, and a career I truly enjoy, I came to the point that life wasn't going to get any less busy. Life is short, as they say, and I was the only one that would prioritize my dreams. It turned out those excuses were mostly me standing in my own way.
At the end of the day, I'd convinced myself that the stakes were low: $100 for a Wix website and a handful of hours a week and my book blog could easily be a reality. Plus, no one was going to read anything I published anyway, so at worst, I'd be shouting to the void.
I took the plunge and Rather Bookish took off. Little did I know then how far I'd come in a year.
Since its inception, Rather Bookish has grown into something more than I could have believed possible. I've loved every minute of developing this site and after 365 days I've managed to post over 100 book reviews, book lists, and trope posts. Taking the time to think about all of the blog's accomplishments in this year's review post has been very rewarding in and of itself.
This website has truly been a passion project from the beginning and learning the ins and outs of running a website has been just one of the joys. The greatest moments that come from this book blog are the connections I've made with fellow book bloggers, indie authors trying to get their books out there, and other bookish people who want to talk about their favorite stories as much as I want to.
It turns out, I haven't been writing into the void after all. There are thousands of you out there in the world who have taken the time to stop by Rather Bookish and engage with me. So without further ado, my list of thank yous from 2023.
Thank you to...
Anyone and everyone who has visited Rather Bookish and read one of my book reviews. Those of you who have requested book reviews: I may not be able to write a review for all of the requests I receive but I truly appreciate the authors who are willing to put themselves out there. Fellow book lovers who discovered Rather Bookish one time or another, and come back time after time. Last but not least, my heartfelt appreciation to my subscribers who continuously are the first to read new book reviews right when they are released!
We're already a week into January 2024 and I have a long list of ideas planned for Rather Bookish for this year. I look forward to connecting with anyone who stops by this site for one reason or another and a little advice from me for those of you putting off a dream: go for it, you're worth the risk.
Cheers to a new year,