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Broken Book Review

Author: Layla Frost

Series: The Four Series Book #3

Category: Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

First a foremost, if you haven't read the first two books in The Four series, you're going to want to do that before picking up 'Broken'. While each book focuses on a different couple, they are very much intertwined and part of an overarching storyline, so do yourself a favor and just start from the beginning. It's worth it, trust me.

This review may have spoilers from the first two books.

'Broken' starts where book two left off, trying to locate the rest of The Horsemen siblings.

"The Four Horsemen were real...and not all men. The Devil was real and not evil - even if he was kind of a snarky dick."

Whereas in the other books, The Four Horsemen either knew of their true identity or at least knew of the paranormal, the first part of this third installment has both main characters in the dark. This gave them a different dynamic which I appreciated and added a layer of complications as they struggled to understand everything that was happening around them.

Lily is loyal and above all else, kind. Her father ends up in the hospital and it is a short moment being trapped in an elevator with someone from her past that turns out to be her lifeline in a painful new reality for her family. Though she comes with a raunchy best friend, Lily is much more laid back and less sarcastic than the previous two heroines in terms of personality. As unassuming as she comes across, there is plenty of depth lurking in her character and once all her secret cards are on the table, I was delighted to see her in a brand new light.

"Then I stood tall and lifted my chin, ready to face the consults like a badass. Well, ready to fake being a badass. Which was basically just as good."

Lennon's medical profession has weighed him down over the years. The brief childhood flashback we get of him and Lily hints at a much kinder and more open individual than he has grown up as. Once his memories come back, he struggles to become the person he needs to be and fights against bringing Lily into the likely danger. It isn't until he realizes who she truly is and sees her quiet strength that he fully accepts fate.

"A night monster. A batman badass who cared about people enough to right wrongs. Fuck she's perfect. Does this make me Robin or Alfred?"

As for Absolve, things are trending toward the inevitable end-game scenario. The Four Horsemen all have regained their memories and whatever battle is going to happen has the stage set. With the cliffhanger at the end of this book, I know book four is going to be a doozy.

Unlike the first two books in this series, I admit to being a tad bored with this one. It's hard to pinpoint the problem since 'Broken' is well-written and just as fast-paced as the others, but in the end, I think there just wasn't enough relationship drama to keep me involved in the characters. I guess compared to the previous two, Lily and Lennon are a boring couple - even when they are fighting.

Still, four stars for this book review on 'Broken' (one purely for Juno's wild antics). I am anxious to see how the next book fits in a new couple as well as the final showdown between our Four Horsemen and Absolve, but if anyone can piece together a fantastic conclusion, Layla Frost most definitely can!

Tropes and Themes: Magic, Demons, Paranormal, Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Fated Mates, Second Chance Romance, Urban Fantasy.

old school camera


I’d been called a lot of things.




An antisocial basta—

You get the point.

I’d say it came with being an overworked doctor, but that wasn’t the case. In my own personal purgatory, I’d lost touch with what I was meant to do—who I was.

Until I got stuck in a hospital elevator with a beautiful, broken woman. Comforting her through hell reminded me why I'd become a doctor in the first place.

I had no clue why, but the hippie goddess consumed my thoughts. I was obsessed. From the first touch, I knew I wasn’t going to let her go.

And that was before I got my memories back.

At the best of times, I was crap at relationships—and we were far from the best of times.

Thrust into a war I’d forgotten, I had to find a way to explain that we were targets of the soul stealing organization that’d cursed me.

That magicks, fate, Heaven, and Hell were not just tales.

That she was my mate.

The literal other half of my soul.

Unequivocally mine.


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