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Cruel Shifterverse Series Book Review

Books: Psycho Shifters #1, Psycho Fae #2, Psycho Beasts #3

Author: Jasmine Mas

Series: Cruel Shifterverse Series

Category: Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

“Plus, I was never going to enter into a relationship; zero sexual experience ensured that. If I were in a league, it would be called “scrawny chicks with homicidal voices and general unwellness.” - Sadie

Holy hell was that fun! In a crazy type of way obviously.

Since I devoured the first three books in one sitting, I decided to review them together as a "series". Technically, there is a fourth book and more planned, but the focus shifts to different main characters so the first three are their own trilogy in a way.

As much as I enjoyed them and completely recommend them, these books weren't perfect. But, they were a whirlwind of a good time and I can overlook shortcomings if a series has an energy about it that won't let me put it down.

Sadie was the definition of snarky and I recognize it's not for everyone. She is dramatically over the top, but I loved her for it. Whinny but with a 'life sucks why is this happening to me? I hate it, but I guess I’ll get through it and be a badass thank you very much' attitude. I thought she was tough but reluctant to embrace her true self. Throughout the three books, she finally owns up to her fears, her power, and eventually accepts that she only has the option of moving forward.

“Small bitches could still give off big-dick energy.” - Sadie

All of the men we meet throughout the books are complex struggling with their own issues. I liked the struggle between the group as they tried to mesh relationships together and often got things wrong. There was a lot of trial and error and back and forth between almost everyone involved and no one was in the right all the time, even Sadie. It felt much more real than the typical insta-love of reverse harems. Even to the end, there was a push and pull of overprotectiveness vs. Sadie trying to be herself.

“Rationally, it didn’t matter, and I was a bad bitch who didn’t need a man. Irrationally, I was a woman who just wanted to get railed and told I was pretty.” - Sadie

Jax was so steady, a fiercely loyal man that was almost from day one in Sadie's corner. He was the strong presence she needed and often the voice of reason, not only for the other guys but for Sadie herself.

Cobra was the most in every aspect; the most damaged, the most hateful, the most standoffish, and the most violent. His personality was volatile, but explained by his past, so even though I didn't necessarily like his character, he still was a great character and a perfect balance to Jax's overly sweet actions.

Ascher, my least favorite of Sadie's men, was nothing special in my eyes. He spends a lot of the series holding himself back and while the plotline explains this, I still held it against the character.

Xerxes was the last of the harem to come on board, but the addition to the group's dynamic was sorely needed. He has his own trauma and prejudices but overall I liked how he fit in.

Sadie and Aran are priceless together, I loved that their friendship didn't fall away from the story like most romances once the FMC falls into bed. They are # squadgoals and though their mild co-dependency and unhealthy coping skills are problematic, they make up for it with hilarious banter and genuine love for each other. While not part of this review, I have read Aran's book, the fourth in the series, and highly recommend it as well!

The spice in these three books was top-notch, despite Sadie being a technical virgin for way longer than I thought it would take. There were a whole lot of BDSM elements, very character-appropriate, and unlike with some books, the amount of sex wasn't distracting from the overall story but rather woven into it.

“Fuck you moon goddess. I was going to be a raging whore and fuck so many men that I couldn’t walk from the strain on my vagina. Then I was going to find a sex club, and I would invent positions so exotic and shocking that they would worship me for my creativity.” - Sadie

Specific comments about each book:

  1. Psycho Shifters: The book does not give a whole lot of backstory of Sadie or the world we are in before the FMC is dumped right into a fortress with three alphas. There was some info dumping, and most of the bullying elements of the series happen here. I HATED the cliffhanger, but it worked because I immediately started the next book.

  2. Psycho Fae: Once again, we enter a new "world" with new enemies and new rules. The group is torn apart, both because of their own actions and their pasts, but have no choice but to rely on each other. I loved the tournament elements and getting more character development for both Sadie and her guys. It was brutal, physically and emotionally.

  3. Psycho Beasts: There were SO MANY twists and turns, I felt like this was a borderline thriller, especially towards the end. There were so many new characters thrown into an ever-increasingly complicated storyline, it was a bit much at times. Everyone has grown closer but still nursing big wounds, and now the Mafia is in the mix. By the end of the book we have some resolution but other questions are left open as the next book shifts to Aran's story.

Trekking through different worlds with Sadie and her unhinged group of lovers and friends was fun. Each world was full of different horrors and pain, but the overall storyline time and time again showed our group overcoming obstacles, trauma, and self-doubt to be better together. This book is violent and has a lot of triggers so please read those before picking this up. Happy reading!

Tropes and Themes: Wolf Shifters, Enemies to Lovers, Reverse Harem, Why Chose, Abuse, Touch Her and Die, Psychos, Anti-Hero, Fae, Mafia, MM.


Blurb for Book #1: Psycho Shifters

Fight like a girl...or a shifter of lore.

After growing up with nothing, I've finally found my path to freedom: I'm a shifter, an elite soldier who transforms into a monster.

All I have to do is survive.

I didn't count on my three 6'5 roommates. Covered in tattoos, jeweled, and horned, these are like no men I've ever dealt with before.

They don't think I belong.

They don't think I'm strong enough for war.

They don't think I can fight.

I'm about to prove them wrong.

The only problem, can I survive them discovering the secrets of my past? In the battle for life and death, everyone is so much more than they seem.

Jax, Ascher, and Cobra are going to be devastated when they discover my truth...just wait until they see my shifted form.

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