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Curse of the Mourning Ring Book Review

ARC Review - Publish Date June 15, 2023

Author: M.A. Cobb

Series: Stand Alone

Category: Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

"The best kiss of my life was from a ghost. That says so much about my previous partners." - Alice

The Curse of the Mourning Ring was a spicy read, filled with ghosts, mystery, and murder.

Alice was rough around the edges, to say the least, especially at the beginning of the book. I'll admit I barely made it past her irritable attitude and unhygienic ramblings. Being crass and insufferable isn't a lovely personality type to read about and this book review would have been much more negative if things hadn't moved along quickly. Thankfully, it didn't take long for the story to take off, and I was quickly pulled into the paranormal anomaly that was Alice and Henry's relationship.

"She can be so clever, then so crude. It's always a surprise what she will say." - Henry

Despite being a ghost, Henry was the typical possessive alpha male. His world was completely centered on Alice, the one person he can interact with, and he quickly became obsessed. A morally grey character, he was surprisingly full of sweet words. Even if they did stem from a need to own Alice and claim her mind, heart, and body.

"I have been summoned from the nether to her; it must be my duty to satisfy her needs. This is a wondrous hell, allowing me to succumb to my own desires." - Henry

Thanks to the physic-bending rules of Henry's existence, this book was filled with creative smut that went well beyond the norm. When clothes or physical objects don't provide a barrier, sex can happen anywhere and at any time.

"'Un-fucking believable.' I read the review again. 'How can someone read a book in an erotica category and say it has too much sex?'" - Alice

I found the author's writing style took a couple of chapters to get used to. Sentences and paragraphs felt like they jump from thought to random thought of our characters and I really had to pay attention to what was going on.

From the blurb alone, I knew this book would stand apart from anything I had read before. I still couldn't tell you if this book finishes with a happy ending or not. The premise was a bit out there from the get-go, but if you are willing to roll with this good kind of crazy, you won't be disappointed.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you M.A. Cobb for the opportunity.

Tropes and Themes: Dark Romance, Ghost, Time Travel.



Alice, a reclusive author, has spent her life hiding behind her computer and only writing about love. But her hopes soon falter as she stumbles upon a little wooden box beneath the twisted roots of a fallen oak tree. Inside she finds a long forgotten heirloom.

A ring bound to a fierce man who had died a hundred years ago.

A ring that pulls his dark, tortured soul to her.

She can hear him.

She can feel him.

But can she love him?

Henry’s life ended in betrayal. An oath he swears upon his father’s ring holds him back from eternal peace, tethering his spirit to this plane.

He moves amongst the living, unseen and intangible.

A man out of time, out of touch.

There is only one thing in his grasp.

There is only her. She is his everything.

Will he win her love, or is he destined to linger in her shadow eternally?


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