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Enchanted to Meet You Book Review

ARC Review - Publish Date September 5, 2023

Author: Meg Cabot

Series: Stand Alone

Category: Paranormal Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️

"For long life, vitality, and attractiveness, drink wine."

- Goody Fletcher, Book of Useful Household Tips

Enchanted to Meet You was a cozy small-town romance wrapped in a touch of magic.

I struggled to get into the story at first because there is an awful lot of info dumping happening in the dialogue between Jessica and Derrick, then Jessica and her group of friends. Yes, I wanted to know more about the story's setup and magical world, but no, I didn't need to consume that information all at once before I even got to know the characters.

The story jumped back and forth between current and past events, which tended to take me out of the moment. While this ploy drew out the story of the ill-fated love spell, I would have rather used a different literary tactic.

However, once we finally get to the actual storyline, a mixture of old vendettas, impending disaster, and using your voice to right old wrongs, the story is much more entertaining.

"'You know this is basically the beginning of every supernatural horror film ever made, right?'" - Jessica

Jessica is fun and quirky, and we as readers know this because she wears a yellow jumpsuit and rambles a lot. Just kidding, but man did the author lay it on thick in the first couple of chapters! Thankfully the personality trait exaggerations settle down a bit and we get to know Jessica more for her generosity and genuine helpfulness towards others rather than her wild fashion choices and speed talking.

"But still, I looked like how I felt: a sleep-deprived, slightly cranky, full-figured thirtysomething witch in a neon yellow jumpsuit." - Jessica

Derrick is an odd character to pin down, he is very protective of Jessica off the bat but also guarded. He fell quickly for her, and also the small town of West Harbor. I wouldn't call it love at first sight, but within a day or two they were more a couple than not.

"So he liked cats, and was a little perfectionistic. This was bad. I liked men who were kind to cats and also kept things tidy." - Jessica

Since the storyline took place over a short time, the chemistry between Derrick and Jessica didn't have enough time to build up. Despite the graphic sex scene, I wouldn't consider this book particularly steamy. There are more fade-to-black and mentions of sex than anything else descriptive.

I loved the West Harbor community, all of Jessica's family and friends, and the world-building of magic being something anyone can harness. However, the end was rushed and anti-climatic considering the high stakes and continued hype of demons. I would have loved to have seen Jessica actually mentor Ester in magic instead of just showing up everywhere she was to keep an eye on her.

With all the witch and magic books out there nowadays, this one was just an okay read for me.

Tropes and Themes: Fantasy, Witches, Mystery, Magic, Small Town, Fake Dating.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you NetGalley, Avon, and Harper Voyager for the opportunity.

stars in a night sky


In her teenage years, lovelorn Jessica Gold cast a spell that went disastrously wrong, and brought her all the wrong kind of attention—as well as a lifetime ban from the World Council of Witches.

So no one is more surprised than Jess when, fifteen years later, tall, handsome WCW member Derrick Winters shows up in her quaint little village of West Harbor and claims that Jess is the Chosen One.

She’s the Chosen One

Not chosen by West Harbor’s snobby elite to style them for the town’s tricentennial ball—though Jess owns the chicest clothing boutique in town. And not chosen finally to be on the WCW, either—not that Jess would have said yes, anyway, since she’s done with any organization that tries to dictate what makes a “true” witch.

No, Jess has been chosen to help save West Harbor itself . . .

As Summer Ends, Her Power Grows

But just when Jess is beginning to think that she and Derrick might have a certain magic of their own—and not of the supernatural variety—Jess learns he may not be who she thought he was.

And suddenly Jess finds herself having to make another kind of choice: trust Derrick and work with him to combat the sinister force battling to bring down West Harbor, or use her gift as she always has: to keep herself, and her heart, safe.

Can she work her magic in time?


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