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Match for the Billionaire Book Review

ARC Review - Publish Date June 1, 2023

Author: Eve Madison

Series: Seattle CEO Series book #1

Category: Contemporary Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

"Derek Anderson. Billionaire bachelor. Famous Seattle figure. My boss." - Mia

Match for the Billionaire was a solid billionaire romance with every element of the sub-genre that I've come to expect: an egotistical workaholic, a down-on-her-luck clumsy damsel in distress, and mass amounts of sexual tension that the characters can't ignore for long. This book offered an enjoyable escape into a world of wealth and romance, and while the storyline and plot had its merits, there were aspects of the execution and character development that left me wanting more.

The not-so-meet-cute was pretty standard to set the tone of their relationship. Mia can definitely stand up for herself and as a hurricane of fresh air, Derek finally takes notice of something other than his company. I wish the characters had more than one-dimensional personalities and I struggled to care about either of them individually.

"I want this Mia, someone who just cursed me out over whiskey, who looks like she's got the cojones to jaw a guy three tables over and then compete in the Miss America beauty pageant in one night." - Derek

The pacing of the book was generally steady, aside from timeline inconsistencies, but ultimately the plot felt a bit predictable and formulaic. The conflicts and obstacles faced by the characters felt resolved too quickly. Also, as a Seattle local, I cringed at the mention of the "Pacific Sound" instead of "Puget Sound".

My biggest complaint while reading the book was the dialogue between the characters. At times it felt stilted in the name of being blunt or arranged for no other purpose than for info-dumping. Other scenes read as disjointed and not how real people speak to one another. I can imagine dialogue is the hardest part of writing a book, but it is also the easiest way to knock readers out of the story when it is not perfected.

"'Make me lose control,' I whisper. 'I want to lose control. With you, with you, with you.'" - Mia

I wish I had connected more with the story and characters, especially because this book is the first in a series of CEO Billionaire romances. I hope as the series develops, the execution becomes more precise.

Tropes and Themes: Billionaire, Workplace Romance.

Match for the Billionaire Blurb


He's making me an offer I can't resist.

So, get this. I'm slaving away at my waitressing gig, dealing with the world's pickiest customer, when he drops a bombshell. He wants me to be his assistant. Me! I couldn't believe it!

I mean, sure, I needed the cash and some time to focus on my art. But seriously, working for this guy? I must be out of my mind.

He's got all the looks, like he walked straight out of a romance novel. But boy, does he have an ego the size of Mount Everest. He's the type who thinks he's always right, even when he's dead wrong.

But, against my better judgment, I'm starting to think there might be something more to him.

Could he actually be the one?



I'm doing everything in my power to avoid a colossal business disaster.

I made the crazy decision to hire Mia Kamaka as my assistant, and now I can't help but feel a spark of excitement. She's drop-dead gorgeous, and I want to spoil her rotten.

But let's face it, things are complicated. We're on a dangerous path, and I'm not sure if it's the right one.

Maybe there's a better way, a better match.

But what if Mia is the one who can turn my life around?

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you Eve Madison for the opportunity.

**As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases on Amazon links.


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