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Playing It Tough Book Review

ARC Review - Publish Date April 17, 2023

Author: Amy Andrews

Series: Sydney Smoke Rugby Series

Category: Sports Romance


Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

"It seemed Ronan Dempsey's ability to reduce a woman to mush with a single ma'am wasn't just confined to her. Turns out it was his damn super power." - Orla

I was prepared to hate Ronan, I really despise the man-whores trope, regardless if it is all consensual sex. But I didn't give Amy Andrews enough credit! Ronan might be the most sweetest, genuine, and thoughtful ladies man ever written.

Though his exploits are brought up multiple times, other than having sex on the brain 24/7, Ronan as a character was so much richer than at first glance. He was such a patient and dedicated friend and partner to Orla, even when she probably didn't deserve it, and was ultimately my favorite part of the couple.

"I don't care about your scars - not the ones on the outside. I care about the ones on the inside. The ones that keep you separate from people. From me." - Ronan

Orla was a complicated character. I immediately recognized her inner strength and deep-rooted pain due to her life circumstances. She was very clearly traumatized by her past and scared for her future, but some of her actions slid from being understandably defensive to being cruel.

"Some might say that the threat of cancer had made Oral selfish. Or irrational, anyway. But she preferred single-minded and would make no apologies for that." - Orla

It was hard to watch her string Ronan along when it was obvious he was catching feelings and she was lying to herself. Her hot and cold personality grated on my nerves. Orla is a character of extremes and that includes being extremely unlikable to me.

"Him. She was terrified of him. His persistence. The way he kept showing up. He was driven and focused and he played to win. What would happen if he decided to put her on his must-have list?" - Orla

For two characters with chastity pledges, there was plenty of spice to go around in this one. I loved their banter as they stretched the rules on the definition of sex, and the sexual tensions between them was 🔥 anytime they were together. Seriously, with the amount of eye-fucking they did, I'm surprised they were able to resist as long as they did.

"Then he swooped down and kissed her because he wanted to lick his name right out of her mouth when she came." - Ronan

"Well, that was the best not-sex I've ever had." - Ronan

The book was relatively short compared to other sports romance books I've read. I usually like more time on the field or ice, but wasn't too disappointed considering the fast pace. While part of a series, this book could easily be read as a stand-alone.

Playing It Tough is a quick, light, steamy read that will kindle your rugby player fantasies and make you want to read more.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tropes and Themes: Sports Romance, Celibacy, Man Whore, Rugby.

rugby player


Cosmetic tattoo artist Orla Stewart doesn’t do anything in half measures. She went from being the ultimate party animal to living a life that’s ridiculously straight and narrow. Turns out, cancer can change a girl. A lot. Adios to delicious cheeses, boozy dance parties and easy men. Hel-lo to celibacy and a sweet house-sitting gig with a massive pool. Until one very hot, very unwelcome intruder turns things upside down.

American rugby import Ronan Dempsey’s partying is trashing both his reputation and his game—and risking his chances for making the US Olympic team. He needs to clean up, and the pool house belonging to a family friend is the perfect place to hideaway. No. More. distractions. Which is exactly when a gorgeous, pink-haired hellion knocks Ronan on his ass…

The chemistry is instantaneous, charged, and absolutely, completely, totally off-limits. Proximity makes temptation nearly impossible to resist. Now it’s a deliciously torturous game of pushing boundaries and holding out. It’s just a matter of time before someone breaks…


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