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Wielder's Prize Book Review

Author: Melissa Mitchell

Series: Lady Witch Series Book #1

Category: Fantasy Romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

Aramina and Rixon are bonded Witch and Wielder in a dangerous world they are tasked with defending against demons that roam with the intent to kill. Despite the closeness their bond might imply, there isn't much trust or affection between them on the surface. She's the magical powerhouse he is tasked to protect at all costs, but Rixon refuses to get closer to her even as she is desperate to know him.

"What a grump! But he was my grump. That thought sent another flash of pride through me."

The beginning of 'Wielder's Prize' felt like the first 50 pages were missing due to the heavy use of flashbacks further along in the novel. This was a little disjointed at first but ultimately settled into a good rhythm that allowed the story to flow while providing context from their time training.

With an unfavorably shady past that he isn't willing to share, Rixon's attempt to remain a stoic and remote presence at his Lady Witch's' side slowly crumbles as she breaks through his rough personality and proves she will not take advantage of their bond as others had in the past. Their brief interactions at the academy over those years were frigid and painfully tense by his choice, but he's never met a Witch like Mina.

"My little witch has talons. I was wondering when you'd scratch me again. I rather enjoy it."

Mina is young and innocent, but powerful. Her path to magic is tragic but she is determined to save their world and pull Rixon out of his shell. Being a Witch gives her powerful status, but she is only ever humble and kind to everyone, even Rixon when he doesn’t deserve it. 

"Years of training had prepared me to face demons, but no one had prepared me to face my wielder."

Their relationship dynamic dramatically shifts from Mina being in charge of decision-making to a subservient student in the confines of the bedroom where Rixon claims control that he isn't afforded publicly. The first book in the Lady Witch series isn't as heavily spiced as the ones to follow but has plenty of sexual tension and intimate touching for three peppers. As the series goes on, Rixon only shows Mina more ways to express their affection and love for each other.

"But for now, I would let him lead. After all, outside of these occurrences, I was the one expected to take that role. I was...exhausting, being the decision maker, carrying the reins, leading so that he might follow. Handing over my control, giving myself up to him, was liberating."

Overall, 'Wielder's Prize' was a solid start to the 'Lady Witch' series and immediately roped me in to continue on to book two. While there isn't a steep drop of a cliffhanger, Mina and Rixon have yet to reach their posting by the end of book one so there is plenty of story to continue.

Tropes and Themes: Magic, Demons, Paranormal, Fantasy, Fantasy Romance, Witch, Grump x Sunshine, Alpha Male.

fort in the desert


Every witch needs a wielder.

Newly bonded, Aramina sets out from the Citadel to take up her first assignment. Traveling across Raeria won’t be easy. Not because of the demons along the way, but because of Rixon.

He might be the best wielder in the Citadel, but he has a questionable past. Plus, he spent the last two years pointedly ignoring her.

Now she’s stuck with him.

Not just for this assignment, but for life. She’s determined to remain closed off, to keep him at arm’s length no matter how flustered he makes her. Her heart is locked up tight, and for good reason.

But the life of a witch is lonely. And Rixon might be exactly what her heart needs.


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