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  • Dirty Lying Dragons Book Review

    ARC Review - Publish Date August 8, 2023 Author: Sabrina Blackburry Series: 2 in the Enchanted Fates series Category: Fantasy Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "It had been awhile since I had left the mountain, and there was only one way to find out what the vampires were up to. It might be time to remind a few beings that I was still kicking." - Ryker My second ARC in the past couple of weeks with a hero named Ryker, did I miss a memo somewhere? Fantasy romance is one of my favorite genres because it has all the best parts of romance novels with a side of extraordinary world-building. Dirty Lying Dragons was no exception and I was thrilled to be given an advance copy to read. "'The first rule of magic,' I whispered, 'mind your ingredients. Nothing can spice up a spell like blood. Like you said, it only takes a drop of magic, and I have it.'" - Dani Danica, aka Dani, was the most down-to-earth, practical, commonsense heroine I have encountered in a long time and it was so refreshing. She could size up situations, understand the best way forward may be to let someone else take the lead, and not whine about her life being flipped on its head. A girl after my own heart, she was able to put her pride aside and rely on other people to help her and took advice as it was given. We need fewer heroines that "know better" and "don't need a man to protect me" and more rational street-smart heroines thank you very much! "A smarter person than me would probably have kept their distance better. Ryker was sure of his abilities, unlike my disastrous attempts at magic. He was unfazed by a pack of wolves coming after me - comfortable even. He had the strength to him that set off a hot coal of envy in the pit of my stomach." - Dani Ryker's character was a bit of a letdown for me, but my hopes may have been too high. He spent a lot of time denying what was right in front of him and was wishy-washy about Dani for way too long. Still, Iā€™m a sucker for a dragon romance and Ryker was all I ever needed him to be once he manned up - powerful, vengeful, protective, and possessive. "'I'm going to erase every memory of that bastard. The clothes will be gone, the bruises will be gone, and he will be gone. And once that's done, I'll show you what you mean to me,'" - Ryker Ryker and Dani balanced each other out really well. Ryker was possessive but never jealous or overly controlling. He let Dani take the lead repeatedly when it made sense for her to do so, not barreling over her decisions but just supporting her. "I'm not going to eat you,' Ryker snorted a laugh, then changed the expression on his face to something of flirtatious mischief. 'That is, unless you want me to, firecracker.'" - Ryker I wish there had been more focus on the romance between Ryker and Dani. I was expecting much more spice and sexual tension than I got in the end. Iā€™m just saying... I have expectations when I pick up a dragon romance. I ended up caring more about the couple's relationship in the end than the threats against Dani's life. "I was full fucking furious, and my fire would show them all just want they had unleased. My favorite thing about vampires is how flammable they are." - Ryker Overall though, Dirty Lying Dragons was a great second act from Sabrina Blackburry and I will definitely put more of her books in my TBR piles as they come out! *I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Tropes and Themes: Dragons, Magic, Witches, Vampires, Wolf Shifters, Kidnapping, Touch Her and Die. Blurb From the author of Dirty Lying Faeries comes a new installment in the Enchanted Fates series, where a young witch finds herself on the run for her life...and in the company of a centuries-old dragon who may or may not be able to help save her. Dani has never been able to use her magic. She feels like half a witch. Without the protection of a coven, sheā€™s lost, and is being hunted by a pack of very aggressive werewolves intent on claiming her for a powerful vampireā€™s ā€œcollection.ā€ When the pack finds her one night, Dani races to the top of her apartment building and chalks a circle on the roof, but her spell mistakenly lands her in the hot spring of a centuries old dragon, Ryker. As this odd pair grows closer, the shapeshifter Ryker soon discovers the secret Dani harbors, and it turns his world upside down. When sheā€™s captured, itā€™s up to Ryker to come to her aidā€”and their relationship will rock the supernatural world in ways neither expected, because when the truth about Dani comes out, everything changes.

  • Broken Dreams: A Dark Romantic Thriller Book Review

    ARC Review - Publish Date May 9, 2023 Author: Abbie Roads Series: Book 2 in Beautiful Nightmare Series Category: Dark Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "He'd never known how intimate cradling a small palm against his could be, or how protective it'd make him feel, or how strongly he'd desire to rip off the glove and touch her, skin to skin." - Latham It was tough to classify this book. Broken Dreams is tagged as a dark romance, but I would argue it is more of a thriller with lots of romance thrown in. I waffle between calling it a thriller with romance or paranormal dark romance. Regardless of the official genre, the book delivers. I was on the edge of my seat from start to end. The pacing is quite quick, keeping characters on their toes and throwing problem after murderous problem at them in rapid secession, even the reader doesn't get a break. It was almost a relief when I finished, I donā€™t know how Abbie Roads fit so much heartbreak, evil, and triumph into one book. Broken Dreams doesn't deal in mystery like a typical "whodunnit", but uses the knowledge given to readers early on to induce anxiety and horror as we continue the story wishing we could tell our hero and heroine what we know. Evanee, aka Honey, had a terrible life permeated with evil since she was young. There is no way not to feel sorry for her, what she was been through, and the constant fear she lives in. Honey was very naĆÆve for being a fighter and survivor, perhaps because her abuse started at such a young age. Her desire for affection and protection clouded many decisions that she made throughout the book. "She was a total and complete hypocrite. She hated hypocrites. Hated herself for how she'd reacted when he'd handled her issues with grace and treated her with dignity." - Honey Latham was such a unique character, I almost donā€™t know how to describe him. He was complex, with scars that ran just as deep as Honey's did. His protectiveness towards her was immediate and he does everything in his power to make Honey safe. Their connection was instant, and though neither understands really what is going on, they come to rely on each other for comfort and support as they work to uncover whoever is out to get them. "Everything vanished except the vivid sensation of her feminine curves burrowing into him, seeking his safety, his comfort, his warmth. She was cool where he was on fire. She was soft where he couldn't bend." - Latham The end of the book took a wild swing in the wrong direction for me, rather than ending on a huge high note. There were some elements that didn't make sense and out-of-character decisions took me out of the story. "The last fragile thread bearing the full weight of her sanity snapped. Evanee heard the soft snap, felt the pressure release resonating through her body. Hopelessness smothered her, killing the will to live." - Honey Ultimately, Broken Dreams is not for the faint of heart. Sexual abuse, physical violence, and torture themes are very prevalent in the story, so please read the trigger warnings before picking this book up. At the end of the book, we are giving a small teaser into what book three will be about, I am dying to know more about Thomas. *I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Tropes and Themes: Abuse, Insta-love, He Falls First, Powers and Abilities, Serial Killer, Mystery, Suspense. Blurb A stalker. A killer. A virgin hero who will sacrifice himself to save the woman he loves. FBI Special Skills Consultant Lathan Montgomery has a genetic anomaly that he uses to solve cold cases, but it forces him to live in seclusion. When he saves a woman from a roadside attack, instead of her presence causing him to lose control, she soothes him. For the first time in his life, he experiences love. But someone is watching them and planning to make them both suffer. Trigger warning: Depictions of SA and violence.

  • Coach Book Review

    Author: Devney Perry Series: Book 1 Treasure State Wildcats Category: Sports Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "Her name was one I hadn't spoken in years. It had rolled through my mind countless times, but I hadn't let myself say it aloud. With it came too much regret. Too many what ifs." - Ford There isn't much I don't love about a single dad romance, throwing in second chances and football and this should have been a touchdown.....but it was just so-so. Ford was too pushy. Sometimes it was what Millie needed, but other times he steamrolled right over her, not even listening to what she wanted or was trying to say. His actions felt purely selfish and I hated how many times he refused to understand the word no. "We'd needed to clear the air. I'd needed to tell her my side of the story and hear hers. Yeah, I'd wanted to mend the past. But closure? 'Fuck no.' This wasn't over. The game hadn't even started yet." - Ford Millie was a doormat. Where Ford was concerned, even with how he treated her, she turned to mush anytime he got her alone. Millie was very hot and cold with Ford. She would say one thing but then randomly throw caution to the wind in the riskiest situations. She was in a tough spot, wanting to finally be with Ford but also unwilling to risk a career she loved. "Just. Act. Normal. That would be a lot easier to do if Ford didn't look so good. Damn him. Damn his blue eyes. Dam that sharp jaw. Damn those broad shoulders. Just...damn him." - Millie I hated that it almost felt like a relationship of convenience. After not talking to each other for years, the only reason Ford saw Millie again was because of chance. His immediate claims of love and desire came off as fake since he hadn't sought her out, even after he was able to. "Ford was the most determined person I'd ever met. On the field. In life. When he put his mind to something, he accepted nothing less than a win. He never gave up. Except for me. He'd given up on me." - Millie The best part of second-chance romances is the groveling, and Ford's explanation didn't cut it. He didn't put in any of the hard work to apologize and make up for the past, other than to try and bully Millie into having a future with him. I didn't particularly like either of the main characters and was disappointed with how the book played out, so this review settled at a three out of five stars for me. Good thing my TBR pile has plenty of other books to move on to! Tropes and Themes: Football, Sports Romance, Second Chance, Single Dad, Single Parent, Workplace Romance, Friends to Lovers. Blurb Football star. Single dad. And once, a long time ago, mine. Iā€™ve spent the better part of a decade forgetting Ford Ellis. If he had just stayed away from Montana, I might have erased the memory of his striking blue eyes and rugged smile forever. Avoiding him was easy when the only place I saw his face was on ESPNā€”and a remote control could fix that problem. Except my boss just hired Ford as the new head coach for the Treasure State Wildcats. Not only will I be stuck watching him on the sidelines this season, but avoiding him will be impossible now that weā€™re working together. Maybe I havenā€™t forgotten Ford. Maybe I still dream about what we might have been. Maybe he hasnā€™t forgotten me either. Except those maybes wonā€™t change the fact that we were never meant to be. Maybe he was mine once. But as of today, the only thing Iā€™ll be calling Ford Ellis is Coach.

  • Comeback Hero Book Review

    Author: Jackie Walker Series: Stand Alone in the Redleg Security World Category: Romantic Suspense Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "I miss my Kri. So I wait at the hospital with her. Wait for her to come back to me. She's more than a coworker to me. More than a friend. She's the future I want. And I know I can be the man she needs." - Shep I loved Kri and Shep, I ship them hard. The beginning of the book was brutal, there were tears and heartbreak before the story got started. And throughout it all, Shep was there for Kri even when she wanted to be left behind. "Even when she tries to push me away - which she does every day - I'm still here. My shoulders are broad enough to help carry her burdens until she's healed enough to do it herself." - Shep I was mildly afraid that Kri was going to be as annoying as Sammy from book 2. However, Kri snotty attitude softened and she got over her hang-ups with Shep pretty quickly considering everything that was going on with her health after the attack. Despite being rough around the edges and standoffish, Kri's character development was profound. She went from trying to prove herself to everyone, to her lowest point of shame, to accepting her faults and becoming the best version of herself she could be. "Before this nightmare, I was a strong independent woman. But now? I'm not sure who I am. I can barely face myself in the mirror after failing this badly." - Kri Shep was so dedicated, so loving, and so supportive, he was perfect for Kri in every way. He might not be the sole reason she came so far after her assault but it probably helped to have the ultimate partner and lover at your side. He understood her inside and out, knew her pride limitations, and knew she just needed someone to give a damn. With his patience, there was no way Shep wasn't going to find a way to get into Kri's heart. "Somewhere along the line, he figured out that being perceived as fragile is my biggest fear. He wants to be my partner, not my savior." - Kri I rated the other books in this series high in spice, but this one takes the cake! Who knew Shep was going to play so dirty? I was there for every minute of it! Shep calling Kri "baby girl"....swoon and fire all at once. "'Come here. Give me those kips,' I demand. 'I need to fucking kiss you like I need air.'" - Shep Val was hell on wheels but such a great kid. I mourned her losses but loved how strong and determined she was. The banter between her, Shep, and Kri kept things funny and light despite all of the tragedy Val endured. You could tell both Shep and Kri loved her very much and were there for her no matter what came next. I would love a book about Val when she is older, conquering the world and taking names. We got a lot of time with the rest of the security crew in Comeback Hero, after all, they are one big family at Redleg Security. Big Al only gets more intriguing with every book, I need to know when he is going to get his own book so I can review it. This book was a perfect blend of two souls with past and present trauma, coming together and bringing out the best of each other. Comeback Hero is most definitely my favorite of the three in the Redleg Security World. Tropes and Themes: Forced Proximity, Bodyguard, Workplace Romance, Friends to Lovers, Military. Blurb Being one of the only female bodyguards at the elite Redleg Security, youā€™d think I would thrive in difficult situations. But not even my past experience as an Army operative has taught me how to handle the frustration of living with my scorching hot coworker and not being able to ride his face to pleasuretown every night. What makes it worse is that Shepherd is up for giving me a ride in all the filthy ways youā€™re imagining. But heā€™s my coworker. And I donā€™t date coworkers. Ever. Full stop. I wonā€™t let myself fall for him. Even though he stayed by my side in the hospital after I almost died. Not even when he stubbornly moves me into his house where he insists I stay until Iā€™m healed. But when he kisses me, every cell in my body wants to surrender to him and throw my rules out the window. As if living with him wasnā€™t challenging enough, we have a houseguest in the form of an unruly teenager weā€™ve been assigned to protect. And sheā€™s not making anything easy. But Iā€™ve got this. I will recover, protect our client, and avoid falling in love with Shep. After all, this is my comeback story, not a romance. Then againā€¦ maybe it can be both.

  • Stinger Book Review

    Author: Mia Sheridan Series: Stand Alone Category: Contemporary Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "It was sex and it was a good time - just for the weekend. It was all I had to offer. And it was all she wanted to take." - Carson Literally running into each other in a hotel lobby, Stinger quickly introduces Grace and Carson in a classic meet-cute that ends with them volleying quick-witted barbs at each other due to mutual dislike. Both characters have their own reasons for assuming the worst in the other, but it only took a few hours of forced proximity for them to acknowledge the chemistry they had together. Grace was very uptight and stuck in her own head, a bit of a wet blanket. Her entire purpose in life seemed to be jumping from one well-made plan to another, not leaving any time for enjoying life. She picked Titanic as her all-time favorite movie, need I say more? "It was The Plan. I'd always had a plan, and I never strayed from it. Never. And once I achieved one, I moved on to the next." - Grace I disliked how she judged Carson in the beginning but loved that she had enough self-awareness to recognize her character flaws and want to be better. After meeting Carson and spending a whirlwind weekend together, Grace changed her approach to life, opening her mind to spontaneity and becoming less rigid. "'Why do you call me buttercup?' I whispered sleepily. I'd keep trying until he gave me a real answer. He had to run out of silly ones eventually." - Grace Carson was so likable once you got passed the mask of cockiness. Wayward, he put up a wall between himself and everyone else, using his looks to as a defense mechanism. Underneath it all though, Carson was considerate, kind, and playful. "Hot, uptight, little brat, but a brat nonetheless. I knew her type. She could get all indignant stick that haughty little chin in the air, tell me why she was better than me, and walk away, but I saw the way her body reacted. She wanted me." - Caron Grace and Carson had opposite outlooks on life at the beginning of the book, one had plans and the other none at all. However, both were unhappy. Throughout the book, the characters made huge strides in growth and I loved how much credit they gave each other for helping them each make something of their lives. "Carson wasn't part of my plan as I'd convinced myself - he was the antithesis of my plan. And I wasn't sure anymore if that was bad or good." - Grace It's been a while since I've read a book this spicy, but I knew what I was getting into with a porn star as one of the main characters. That being said, this book definitely has a storyline outside of the bedroom which made the spicy scenes even better because I was invested in the characters. "I craved structure and definitions and control. And here I was throwing all of that to the wind. For sex. With a porn star." - Grace This book took off in a completely different direction than I expected based on the blurb, and that was a great thing to read and review. There was so much more depth to Grace and Carson and they truly changed for the better after their weekend in Vegas together. Mia Sheridan can do no wrong, and Stinger is no exception, everyone needs to read this book. "Life is wild, he'd said. Fate could be wild. Putting you just where you should be at just the right time. And perhaps intervening in ways you never even realized until you could see the big picture later." - Grace Tropes and Themes: Adult Sex Worker, Weekend Fling, Military, Second Chance, Forced Proximity, Opposites Attract, Las Vegas. Blurb Grace Hamilton is the girl with a plan. She knows exactly where her life is going, and prides herself on always achieving her goals. She's never stepped outside the lines she draws for herself, and never considered what her heart truly wants. That is, until him. Carson Stinger doesn't play by any rules except his own. Working in the adult entertainment industry, he doesn't care what others think of his choices, and takes each day as it comes. No direction, no plan. He knows what women want from him, and in his eyes, it's all he has to offerā€¦ until her. When unexpected circumstances force them together, Grace and Carson are swept up into the electric chemistry between them, surrendering to a steamy weekend in each other's arms. But for two people whose worlds could never coexist, they know their time is short. That is, until their hearts get involved without their permissionā€¦

  • What The Hex Book Review

    Author: Jessica Clare Series: Hex series book #2 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "'Are you interested in the job? Even knowing that you'll be working with me? I'm sure Magnus filled your head with how vile I am.' Penny's chin lifts and she gives me a resolute look. 'It doesn't matter how bad you are if you can teach me how to use magic. I'm tired of waiting for a chance. I want to learn.'" I was so excited when this book came out, having read and reviewed the first in the series "Go Hex Yourself" a couple of months ago. Jessica Clare has created a unique world of magic and I love her writing style and the characters we have gotten to know so far. Penny was everything I wanted and more for a cheery, bright woman who wasnā€™t afraid to be true to herself and speak her mind. She was over the top at times but kick ass in her own sweet way. When she wants something, she goes for it with determination and a hint of sparkle that no one can resist. Even though her life isn't all rainbows, Penny keeps a can-do attitude and always seems to find her way. "'You're terrifying, you know that? Under that bubblegum-and-glitter exterior is the calculating heart of a true tyrant,'" - Willem Willem was exactly what I thought he would be. Gruff with a superiority complex but is a softy underneath who is defensive because he has to be. Willem needed someone who believed in him and Penny was the best one for the job. She slowly chipped away at his hard shell and showed him how to care about something more than himself. "In short, he's thorny on the outside and an absolute mush inside. Anyone that knew him for longer than five minutes would realize this." - Penny Penny and Willem made an odd couple at first glance, but they were really good for each other. Penny taught Willem to open up and Willem was the person in Penny's life to put her first and made her a priority. "Penny is all enthusiasm and color and happiness. She talks loud. She uses abbreviations instead of actual words. She's all things I hate. And I don't hate her. Not even in the slightest. " - Willem It was satisfying to see the evolution of their relationship and sickly sweet how into each other they were. The spice was A+, with a ton of sexual tension while the fake dating trope played out. It gave Penny and Willem the perfect excuse to straddle the line with each other and simmer in their chemistry until they were ready to act on how they felt. Penny was very sexual and she constantly kept Willem, and his old-fashioned sensibilities, on his toes. "I have to bite back a moan, but a noise slips out of me anyhow. My neck is incredibly sensitive, and him holding me against him as he grips my throat? It's far, far too sexy and oh so slightly controlling." - Penny The more we learn about this world of familiars, witches, and warlocks the less I like about the whole thing. The Hex series outlines a severe power imbalance with how the magic world operates and I hope we continue to meet power couples who shake up the game in future books to come. Unlike the first book, there wasnā€™t a teaser at the end of What The Hex to give us a hint as to who will get their own book, so I guess we will just have to wait and see! Tropes and Themes: Magic, Witches, Grumpy x Sunshine, Mystery, Fake Dating. Blurb Enemies-to-lovers has never been more enchanting in this witchy romantic comedy from the New York Times bestselling author of Go Hex Yourself . Penny Roundtree wants nothing more than to be a familiar to a witch. Sheā€™s been a member of the Society of Familiars ever since she was old enough to join the Fam. Thereā€™s just a small problemā€”no oneā€™s hiring. Witches and warlocks are so long-lived that there are far more familiars available than witches to train them. So when an unorthodox arrangement to apprentice under the table to a forbidden warlock presents itself, she takes it. Willem Sauer is banned from having a familiar due to past transgressions, thereby limiting his magic-casting abilities. Unfortunately for the surly, Prussian warlock, he has no choice but to work with enthusiastic Penny as a familiar. They immediately clash like dried roan horsehair and honeycomb gathered by moonlight (itā€™s a terrible spell combination, ask anyone). Casting spells has delightful perks Penny never could have dreamed of, but also greater dangers. Someone is targeting Penny. Willem and Penny must work together to catch their enemy, and if their ploy requires a little kissing on the side, who is to question the rules of magic?

  • The Hike Book Review

    ARC Review - Publish Date August 29, 2023 Author: Lucy Clarke Series: Stand Alone Category: Thriller Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "The mountains give away none of their secrets. Yet out there, hidden within their granite folds, someone knows exactly how this woman died. And why." A couple of pages is all it took for me to be invested in The Hike, there was so much foreboding I was anxious from the get-go. Four lifelong best friends decide for their yearly vacation that they are going on a four day's long hike in the Norwegian wilderness. Four women who have previously spent their annual trip on a beach or by the pool. Only one of them had even been somewhat training for their adventure. Yeah, this trip wasn't ever going to go well for them, even without the murder. Liz, Helena, Maggie, and Joni are in varying degrees of a midlife crisis and use this trip as an excuse to distract them from their own problems. Honestly, I felt like they all were kind of awful, each making mistakes and deliberate choices. Liz chose and planned the trip, and did not let any reasonable doubt or concern get in the way of going. She was incredibly self-centered and knowingly withheld information, putting her friends at risk several times just so that they would go climb Blafjell with her. "Maybe she was having a midlife crisis. That could be it. Some people embarked on an affair or bought a sports car - while she bullied her friends into going wild camping in the wilderness." - Liz Helena was maybe my favorite of the four friends, though she made just as many bad decisions as they did, both in her life back home and while in Norway. Her character was the most unforgiving and she felt stuck up at times. "She laughed at the absurdity of it. Her, Helena Hall, going wild camping in Norway!" - Helena Maggie was such a difficult character to feel sorry for because she felt so sorry for herself. She was the stereotypical whiny, wet blanket of the group but also went through the greatest character development, so her character was bearable by the end. "This wild was dizzying. It was too much. Too big. She felt suddenly panicky, like she'd made a terrible mistake." - Maggie Joni, the wild child, was so free but trapped by her fame. She might have been the most desperate of them to get away from her problems but was unable to run from her demons in the end. "She was filled with disgust and shame and a seething self-hatred, violent enough to feel as if she were ripping open." - Joni The Hike is written in multiple POVs and it did get tiresome. Though they all had distinct voices, I still found myself forgetting whose head I was in. Almost everyone in the book is a suspect, and it seems like you canā€™t even trust your friends. There were so many twists and turns, I never knew what to expect next. I'd recommend The Hike to anyone who enjoys thrillers with a splash of drama and plenty of outdoorsy adventure. *I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Tropes and Themes: Thriller, Mystery, Small Town, Betrayal. Blurb Wish you were here? Think again . . . Maggie, Liz, Helena & Joni. Old friends bound by history, adventures, old secrets. And now, bound by murder. They lace up their hiking boots for the adventure of a lifetime in the Norwegian wilderness: a place of towering mountains, glass-like lakes, log cabins and forests stolen from a fairytale. Itā€™s the perfect place to lose yourself ā€“ until a broken body is found at the bottom of a ravine. Somewhere out there, someone knows exactly why a woman has died. And in this deep, dark wilderness, thereā€™s a killer on the trail . . .

  • Not The Witch You Wed Book Review

    Author: April Asher Series: Book 1 in the Supernatural Singles series Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "'We were friends once, princess. We were more than friends.' Once upon a time, she'd been his fucking lifeline." - Linc I wanted to love this book but, after finishing it and this review, I settled somewhere in the range of like. The plot, the world, and the characters were all there but the execution held me back in the end. Violet was funny as hell but exaggerated in every way. Clumsy and klutzy were her biggest personality traits and I wish there was more focus on her insecurities and the reason she wanted to take a step back from the magical community regardless of her magical status. Her relationship with her sisters and her mother was hinted at but never fully explored and it would have given her more depth and background. "'I don't fix things, Gran. I destroy. Take as evidence the very unconscious wolf shifter lying on my Target comforter.'" - Violet Linc was besotted with Violet from the moment he saw her. After learning that they used to be an item, but circumstances made him walk away, I didn't understand why he never reached out to her after those circumstances changed. "Violet Maxwell was the one who got away. And he wasn't just the bastard that let it happen. He was the idiot who hadn't run after her." - Linc I hate feeling that a second-chance love interest only is interested after fate brings them together again. Linc never held that "alpha" edge for me, he was too mellow though I loved his spirit for equality among shifters. Also, it was a strange choice to make a major plot point center around the shifter community with no shifts represented in the book aside from a one-page fight. For as much as Linc spoke about his wolf, we barely saw it. "His Wolf had recognized her, practically sitting up and whimpering as he honed in on her sweet flowery scent." - Linc For all the build-up between Violet and Linc, their faking dating period had zero sexual tension. Which is the BEST phase of the trope for me to be honest. Also, once they came together, there were several scenes that technically werenā€™t fade-to-black they might as well have been for all the lack of chemistry and page time. Everything happened too easily, too quickly, or too coincidentally. If you know exactly what's going to happen in a book before you even get to read that part, it can take you out of the story. Despite the high stakes in this book surrounding our two main characters Linc and Violet, they sailed through each problem easily time and time again. I wanted more. More magic, more tension, more angst, more drama. As the first in its series, I hope the next books have some more oomph to them to really draw me into the story. Tropes and Themes: Witches, Magic, Wolf Shifter, Paranormal, Fantasy Romance, Fake Dating. Blurb A fake relationship between a magic-less witch and a wolf shifter turns to more in the start of a bewitching new paranormal rom-com series. Magic-less witch Violet Maxwell wants nothing to do with alpha wolf shifter Lincoln Thorneā€”the man who broke her fragile, teenage heart. But when the two of them are forced by arcane Supernatural Laws to find mates, Violet and Lincoln agree to fake-date their way to a fake-mating in order to conjure themselves some time. The jokeā€™s on them. When old feelings make a reappearanceā€”along with Violetā€™s magicā€”they both realize thereā€™s nothing fake about their feelings. But there are old secrets and looming threats that could snatch away their happily ever after, again. One thingā€™s for sure: magic doesnā€™t make dating and love any easier.

  • The Stranger Upstairs Book Review

    ARC Review - Publish Date September 26, 2023 Author: Lisa M. Matlin Series: Stand Alone Category: Thriller Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "Most people sweep monsters under the bed. I pull the covers back and let them crawl in." - Sarah Reading The Stranger Upstairs was like watching a slow-moving train wreck of destruction - oh how I wanted to look away but I was fascinated by the flames! Black Wood House was the perfect creepy setting for the plot, with the added delight of a town deeply set in its ways and steeped in old money. Sarah may be the most morally corrupt main character I've read in quite a while. Her narcissism and foulness were downright captivating. She held my attention from page one and the more I learned about her past, the more I questioned who I was rooting for in the end, Sarah? Or the house? "Truthfully, I wanted Black Wood House the second I saw it. When I want something, it consumes me. My wants have always straddled the unhealthy-obsession line." - Sarah Joe was a hard character to understand, especially because we only saw him through Sarah's eyes which were unreliable at best. Their relationship was rocky from the start and it doesn't look like anyone is innocent in their marriage. "People wonder why we're together. Joe, the nerdy bartender. And me, the Instagram whore. But the truth is that, underneath all Joe's beauty, he's every bit as ugly as me. I love him for that. Trust me, my husband is not so perfect. He has more secrets to hide than I do." - Sarah Social media and its role in self-esteem added a deeper layer to the plot that I wasn't expecting. Sarah was admittedly dependent on validation from strangers to justify her self-worth and normalcy. Her character stands as a stark warning sign that we never truly know the true lies that hide behind curated content. "I love the little likes, heart emojis, and congratulations. I feed off that puerile bullshit. Without it, I starve." - Sarah None of the characters in the book seemed to be able to move on from their past mistakes. They all were so wrapped up in the past that they continued to dig their own graves until they dropped right in. Lisa M. Matlin proved herself to be an enchanting storyteller. Despite her awfulness, even I found myself flip-flopping between feeling sorry for Sarah and wishing she got what she deserved, holding my breath to the end. There were so many twists and unsettling turns, I was always questioning what was fact or fiction. Iā€™m still not sure what to think about Black Wood House, the town of Beacon, or especially Sarah herself. Who was the stranger upstairs? Did Black Wood drive Sarah to madness or was she in the grips of insanity all along? Grab this book as soon as it comes out, you won't be disappointed. "I don't know how to tell him the truth, because it's strange even to me. I didn't choose that room. It chose me. Just like the house." - Sarah *I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Tropes: Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Small Town. Blurb Most people wouldnā€™t buy an infamous murder house to renovate for fun. But Sarah Slade is not most people. A therapist and self-help writer with all the answers, Sarah has just bought a gorgeous Victorian in the community of her dreams. Turns out, you can get a killer deal on a house where someone was murdered. Plus, renovating Black Wood House makes for great blog content and a decent distraction from her failing marriage. Good thing nobody knows that her past is just as filthy as the bloodstain on her bedroom floor. But the renovations are fast becoming a nightmare. Sarah imagined custom avocado wallpaper, massive profits, and an appreciative husband who wants to share her bed again. Instead, the neighbors hate her guts and her husband still sleeps on the couch. And though the builders attempt to cover up Black Woodā€™s horrifying past, a series of bizarre accidents, threatening notes, and unexplained footsteps in the attic only confirms for Sarah what the rest of the town already knew: Something is very wrong in that house. With every passing moment, Sarahā€™s life spirals further out of controlā€”and with it, her sense of reality. But as she peels back the curling wallpaper and discovers the houseā€™s secrets, she realizes that the deadly legacy of Black Wood House has only just begun.

  • Pucking Around Book Review

    Author: Emily Rath Series: Book 1 in the Jacksonville Rays series Category: Sports Romance Rating: ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­ Spice: šŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļøšŸŒ¶ļø Goodreads Blurb "Red alert. Back up, Rachel. Shut it down. I'm not getting involved with a co-worker. I don't care if he's gorgeous and working a smolder so hot it burns." - Rachel Damn, I needed a minute after finishing this one... šŸ„µšŸ”„! For all the sex (and I should add a couple more "x"'s to that) Pucking Around, there was surprisingly so much more to this book. I appreciated that not everything was easy, or clean-cut, because real life and real relationships are messy. All of the main characters were fully developed, had fears or secrets, and they not only found each other but leaned on one another in their fight to be happy. "'Because I'm not normal, Jake. We're not normal. We're extraordinary. Be extraordinary with me.'" - Rachal Rachel was funny and at times a hot mess, I didnā€™t expect to be laughing so much. She was a strong, sexual woman who was ultimately scared of anyone getting hurt, including herself. Due to her complicated life, she repeatedly tried to protect those she loved but didn't always make the right choices. Good thing her men were not going to let her run and hide when that was her usual of dealing with hard things. "She's fearless. Crazy. A total hurricane." - Caleb Jake was everything he was in the prequel and more. His friendly nature and open personality were refreshing for an MMC. I loved how he never held back in pushing for what he wanted and was a perfect balance to the others in their group who were more reserved and afraid of how their lifestyle choices would be judged. Day one, Jake was all in. "'This isn't just sex for me, Rachel,' Jake adds, his face solemn. 'Hell, at this point, I'll settle for just breathing your air. I'll rub your feet on the couch after a long day. I'll do your laundry. I'll hold your purse while you shop for trail mix. That's how crazy I am about you. I have to be me, and this is who I am. This is how I feel.'" - Jake Though Caleb might be called the grump of the group, he came across as mostly angry and standoffish to me. He was a giver by nature, available whenever anyone needed help. His journey to fully accepting himself was slow but so worth it when Caleb was finally able to express how he felt and accept affection in return. "Is he an asshole or is he charming? Maybe he's a charming asshole." - Rachel How I loved Ilmari! Call me a sucker for tall, strong, and silent, but he took it to a whole other level and it worked in a big way. He was a quiet observer but when he spoke, our Finnish goalie was often the voice of reason. "Don't poke the bear, Rachel. Don't poke the desperately attractive, sexual magnet of a man-bear." - Rachel The dynamic between the four main characters was complex but reflected many of the trials traditional relationships go through as well. While the book dealt out some insta-love or lust initially between Rachal and her three men, surprisingly it didnā€™t feel as cheesy as other stories where they push everyone together so quickly. There was enough meat to the story that the individual relationships felt natural. "'We will never stray, never waver. We will seek no exit. Love us and watch how we love you in return. One family. One unit. Unbreakable.'" - Ilmari My biggest pet peeve in sports romances is the lack of sports, either on the field or as a plot point in the story. Luckily, Emily Rath gives us plenty of time on the ice, and hockey plays a role in almost every aspect of the story, not just as a convenient device when needed. I can't wait for the second book in this series to come out so I can review as well, Pucking Wild will be released in August 2023. I'd highly recommend this to any hockey lover who likes a whole lot of spice with their ice! Tropes and Themes: Reverse Harem, Why Choose, MM, Sports Romance, Hockey Romance Blurb My name is Rachel Price, and two months ago, I walked away from the perfect man. Sweet and funny, and so hot it should be illegalā€”we shared one magical night. No names. No strings. I never thought Iā€™d see him again. I was wrong. It turns out Mr. Perfect is the playboy grinder for the Jacksonville Rays, the NHLā€™s hottest new hockey teamā€¦and Iā€™m his new physical therapist. Oh, and the jerk doesnā€™t even recognize me! This fellowship is going to be the longest ten months of my life. Mr. Perfect Mistake will do anything to get back on my good side. Meanwhile, his best friend is the surly new equipment manager always riding my case. Worst of all, Iā€™ve got an uncooperative goalie who thinks I canā€™t tell heā€™s hiding an injury! This is my chance to prove myself, and Iā€™m not risking it for anything. But with one unexpected night, one secret revealed, these men are ready to test all my limits. I canā€™t fall for a playerā€¦let alone three. But if love is a game, these guys are playing to win.

  • 6 Times You Should DNF A Book

    Not every book is worth finishing. We've all been there before, a couple of chapters in and you just cannot immerse yourself in your latest book. Your to-do list starts creeping in because you can't focus on the story and you're getting irritated. But you weren't raised to be a quitter! So you grit through it and are relieved when you finally get to that last page. I'm here to tell you that doesn't have to be the is totally OKAY to DNF a book, in fact this post is here to encourage it. Read on for 6 reasons you should put a book down and move on. 1. You're in a Book Slump When you're trying to get into a reading routine, or have been struggling to find your next series, forcing yourself to read a book is not going to help your book slump. It may even make it worse in the end. Do yourself a favor and fight your slump with a book you actually want to read! Find tips about getting out of your reading slump in my blog post here. 2. Reading Time is Limited If your life is anything like mine these days, I'm scheduled down to the minute trying to fit everything in. My checklists are color-coordinated and often refer to other separate checklists with their own hierarchy system! Being limited in how many hours I have a week to read makes me guard that time fiercely. I refuse to waste precious 'me time' with a book that is rubbing me the wrong way. You owe it to yourself to find a book that is worth slotting into a tight schedule. 3. You Missed the Trigger Warnings Look, it happens. As careful as authors are to list trigger warnings for their work these days, sometimes readers just don't pay attention. Or, we fail to realize something is triggering to us personally until after we start the book. Be kind to yourself, stop reading something that pushes past your boundaries, whatever they are. 4. Writing Style Mismatch Chances are, if you don't like the writing style at the beginning of the book, you aren't going to magically like it by the end of the book. Authors have a vast array of options to put together a story, from a first, second, or third-person point of view to present or past tense. There are so many ways to write, obviously, one reader's preference can be different from another. If you can't stand how the story is being told, it is okay to say that particular book isn't for you. 5. Grammatical errors We are incredibly privileged to be living in a time when just about anyone can write a book and publish it for others to read. Gutenberg had no idea where his little invention was going to go that's for sure! The downside to this access is the glut of self-published books available that could have used an editor's touch. Now before anyone starts to throw rocks at me, I'm ALL FOR indie authors and self-publishers. But, if the number of errors is great enough to distract, it makes it very hard to enjoy the story. 6. Literally any other reason Seriously, you can always DFN a book for any reason other than those that Iā€™ve listed. Yep, any reason at all. There are so many books out in the world, no one should be wasting their time on one that makes reading painful. For those that need it, I give you permission. If you don't like what you are reading, put the book down and pick up a different one!

  • 10 Ways to Break Free from Your Reading Slump

    We've all been there. Struggling to find a new book to read, scrolling through Goodreads, list after list, and nothing catches your eye. Looking at your packed calendar and finding zero time to fit in enough reading time to finish a whole book, so why bother starting? I tend to go through cycles in my reading habits. Either I'm devouring books at a rate that alarms friends and family or I can't be bothered to pick up a book. Sometimes it feels overwhelming to choose something new to read. Sometimes I'm tired of reading a few duds in a row and give up entirely. And other times, I don't feel like I have the time to devote to reading so I don't want to do it at all. The worst part about a reading slump is that you want to read, but you just can't seem to get into it. Everything is blah. With these ups and downs, I've developed a couple of tricks to get me back to my best self, the one with a book in her hand. Read on for 10 ways to dig yourself out of a reading slump and enjoy reading again! 1. Try a new genre This by far is my best hack for getting out of a reading slump. Many times, I find myself binging on a certain genre or trope and after the thirteenth book, I lose interest in reading itself. In these cases, jump to a totally different type of book to branch out. 2. Find a new place to read Moving that place you read can make the experience feel fresh again. If you usually read in bed, try sitting on the couch inside. If you're usually holed up inside, grab your sunglasses and get some rays with a new book outside. Shake up your routine a little and you may find you just needed a different setting. 3. Try a "not so popular" book I am so guilty of getting wrapped up in the pressure to read popular books that I will stress about not reading the "right" thing and put off reading altogether. Look, everyone likes different types of books and I promise, there is a book for everyone out there. No one should feel like they are paralyzed in reading because what they like isn't trending on social media. Pick up the book that you find interesting, worry about posting later. 4. Read reviews with spoilers I may be the only one who does this, but sometimes I indulge in reading reviews with spoilers to get me excited to read a book. Knowing more about what I am signing up for and hearing more details about the plot can help me weed out books easily and find something I know I am going to like. If you've ever read a review with spoilers, they can be very opinionated but I like getting an unfiltered view of the book that goes beyond a carefully crafted blurb. 5. Try a novella Novella's don't get enough credit where it is deserved! Typically, fewer pages mean the plot moves a little faster. This pacing may draw you into the story more and before you know it, you've finished and have whetted your appetite for more reading. 6. Reread a book you gave 5 stars If you're trying to get back into the act of reading, remove the hurdle of trying to find the right book to read by reading a story you already know you love. Rereading your favorite book can remind you how much you enjoy reading and get you in the right frame of mind to continue. 7. Switch up your mode Go from paperback to hardcover, or from audio to a Kindle and see what feels right to you. Some of us (me!) were solely convinced that we could never read anything on a screen until we try it. Personally, evolving from only reading paperback books to digital ones has given me more opportunities to read. Now, waiting in the grocery store checkout line for ten minutes is ten more minutes I get to read my favorite book on my phone. 8. Challenge a friend to read with you The buddy system rarely fails! Challenge a friend to read a certain amount of minutes a week, or agree to meet up for coffee once you both finish a book to chat about the story. Having accountability to someone can make all the difference in motivation to get back into reading after a slump. Reading doesn't have to be a solo sport. 9. Multi-task When I'm sitting on the sidelines of my kid's practice, instead of using that time to endlessly scroll through social media, I read. Yes, I'm watching the super cool trick my kid makes for the twentieth time but I'm also having some me time with my favorite story. When you're plugging away at work doing mindless tasks, why not put on an audiobook instead of listening to Spotify? Finding ways to fit it into your busy life can make reading feel more accessible and effortless. 10. Read at night I swear I only discover amazing books when I start them at 11 pm. I'll tell myself I'm only allowed to read two chapters before I go to bed, but we all know it's a lie. I dare you to try it, start a book at night, but just donā€™t have big plans the next morning because you will be tired. It may seem a cheeky tip, but it works.

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