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  • Taming Seraphine Book Review

    SPOILER ALERT! I'm not in the business of ruining books, so if you haven't read this book yet, turn back now! Author: Gigi Styx Series: Stand Alone Category: Dark Romance Rating: ⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb At first, I thought I'd found the perfect dark romance book. If you haven't been as obsessed with the genre as I have over the last few years, let me tell you you're missing out! But, even with so many options out there today, all of them tend to include similar elements. Psychotic love interests, mafia or organized crime, kidnapping or forced proximity, and serial killers with a small conscious. Most importantly, the FMC must always have a sick and twisted, humorous internal voice just this side of unhinged. Yes, these books are fun, but I was happy to have found something different for once. While 'Taming Seraphine' certainly ticked a couple of those boxes, the FMC was not cookie cutter and I was grateful for the originality. At least at first. Here's what I didn't realize in all those previously crafted female characters I thought I was tired of: without the obnoxiously loud crazy vibes, all you have left is a broken girl killing people. And no one wants to read about that, at least I don't. This book was missing the fun aspect that most serial killer romance books have that keep the reader entertained. There was no light-hearted banter about semen ice cream to be had, just evil men who get what’s coming to them and a girl with mental health issues reliving her past abuse. "Seraphine has a way of distorting reality, so all you see when looking at her is a sweet little angel." - Leroi Seraphine was much too naive. I assume the duality of her character was supposed to be the thing that brought depth to the story. Child-like innocence coupled with violent tendencies. However, the result was an unbalanced character who didn't feel real. At best, she was an unlikeable self-centered brat who didn't understand how the world worked but thought she knew everything. Lerio suffered from love at first sight, with little motive besides feeling bad for her. He risks almost everything in his life to protect her, but his reasoning is contrary to his actions. Her obvious and understandable mental health issues made her vulnerable and Leroi took advantage of that even if it was to help her. Using sex as therapy to 'tame' her made zero sense, and was an excuse to throw BDSM into the story to up the spice factor. There was zero chemistry between the two of them. "She's trouble and her reckless killing is a nuisance, but there's a part of me that wants to wrap her in protective bandages and erase the past five years of her life." - Leroi I powered through as best I could but in the end, I was bored. Despite being a book about murder and crime, none of the characters were very interesting and the story was very predictable. DNF 42% in and I dropped this one to reread 'Crazed Candy' again. Tropes and Themes: Age Gap, Serial Killer, Sexual Abuse, BDSM, Dark Romance. Blurb They captured me, broke me. Molded me into their perfect weapon. They made me murder and seduce strangers. Until a hitman killed my captors and set me free. Leroi I rescued a girl from a basement thinking she was innocent, but I brought home a serial killer whose darkness borders on insanity. Now, I need to tame her murderous instincts before I become her next victim. Seraphine is reckless, unstable, and likely to get us both destroyed. Every instinct says I should end her, but she’s too captivating to resist. Each day, she draws me deeper into her web, her allure stripping my self-control. But I’m harboring secrets treacherous enough to add me to her list of men to slaughter. Seraphine Leroi is dark, deadly, and dangerously attractive. I don’t know what he wants, but resisting him is impossible and I'm ready to slay him at the first sign of betrayal. When a dark figure from the past rises from the shadows, wanting to reclaim me, I'm forced to trust a man who might stab me in the back.

  • Deserving Alaska Book Review

    Author: Susan Stoker Series: The Refuge Series Book #1 Category: Romantic Suspense Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb This was such a sugary love story, sandwiched between some life-changing challenges for both our FMC and MMC. I loved Alaska’s quiet strength and her determination to help the boy-turned-man she has loved her whole life. She is honest, direct, and unassuming but loyal to a fault and above all else, so kind. Always an NPC (non-player character) in her own life, Drake saw her and made her feel important and she never forgot his impact on her childhood, even after they lost touch. "Her mom always said she should've named her in plain Jane. She claimed her daughter could blend in with the walls. Being invisible has never bothered Alaska though. She was shy and didn't like when people stared at her." Drake's life took off after high school, and though he casually thought of Alaska, he was focused on his military career. It wasn't until her loyalty was put on display even decades later that he realized just how much he had missed her in his life. As adults, he finally saw how well they fit together and once he did, he decided he was never letting her go. Despite some very heavy topics around sexual assault, the slave trade, and PTSD, the romance aspect of this book was as wholesome and sweet as it gets. Long lost friends reuniting when the other needs them the most, and then supporting each other through the healing process...yeah both Alaska and Drake are unrealistically awesome. Which is okay! The low drama of their relationship was certainly balanced with the horrible events both characters go through. "'It might've taken me twenty-two years to see what was in front of me all along, but I see you now, Al. And I might be slow, but I'm not dumb.'" - Drake The villain in this story was more comical than not. We were privy to their thoughts and actions which decreased the suspense overall. I would have liked more mystery to keep me guessing at the third act danger rather than anticipating it. One random hiccup I found myself coming back to was the inconsistency in the character's ages compared to the storyline. Both Drake and Alaska are in their early forties, yet she was targeted to be sold as a sex slave, and according to the timeline he was in active combat as a Navy Seal at 35. While technically both were possible, it felt a little off to me. While I'm 100% for middle-aged romances, the plot would have suited characters in their 30s better. I simply adore interconnected friend group romance series and while 'Deserving Alaska' wasn't a five-star book review for me, I still plan on continuing the series to learn more about The Refuge and the men who built it from the ground up. "The Refuge was a place people could find the peace and quiet they needed to continue their healing journey. Being here wouldn't cure anyone of their demons...but it was a place where they could shove those demons aside for a short while and just breathe." Tropes and Themes: Friends to Lovers, Second Chance Romance, Military, Veteran, PTSD, Romantic Suspense, Small Town. Blurb The Refuge is a place to heal. Where those who have experienced traumatic events can go to heal. It’s run by seven former military men who’ve seen more than their fair share of the ugliness in the world. Friend-zoned since childhood by the most amazing man she’s ever known, that doesn’t stop Alaska Stein from doing whatever’s necessary—including lying to the military—to be by his side when Drake ends up in a German hospital after a mission gone wrong. The broken man in the bed is not the boy she once knew. Despite that, and despite years apart, when Drake turns his gaze to Alaska, he sees her. Looks beyond the plain-Jane exterior to his childhood friend beneath. He may never be anything more than a friend, but putting her needs aside to see him whole is a sacrifice she’s willing to make. Drake “Brick” Vandine walks away from the SEALs after his recovery, building a life around helping others struggling with PTSD. But he can’t walk away from Alaska. She was there for him in his darkest moment and her spine of steel saw him through one of the biggest challenges of his career. And now, although she lives half a world away, she’s still his anchor, his daily dose of support as he and several friends build The Refuge. A place of peace, a place of healing. But, for Drake, also a place of loneliness. When the unthinkable befalls Alaska during a trip to Russia, it’s Drake’s turn to drop everything and race to her aid. Safely back at The Refuge, he just as quickly realizes what he’s failed to see for two decades—his oldest, dearest friend is the love of his life. A revelation that may be too little, too late. Because Drake’s brought the enemy right to their door.

  • Speak of the Demon Book Review

    Author: Stacia Stark Series: Deals with Demons Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb To be completely honest, I’ve attempted to read this book more than once without success. On the surface, it sounds right up my alley, but every time I picked it up I ended up putting it down after the first couple of chapters. Sometimes a book just doesn't grab me quick enough and I move on. But I kept getting recommendations to read this one, thanks Kindle Unlimited for relentlessly featuring this series, so I tried just one last time. After committing to giving this one a chance, even if I needed to skim the beginning chapters, I finally found myself pulled into the story and I am so glad I came back to it. Samael is a high demon who gives zero fucks about anything but his own agenda. He is massively arrogant, but with good reason considering his power. The weight of a demon rebellion sits on his shoulders, but his sole obsession with revenge soon shifts to include a defiant witch who refuses to bow to him. "I would push this woman until she was the best she could be, even if she fought me the entire way. Even if I had to drag her through hell to watch her rise like a phoenix on the other side." - Samael Danica has an obsession of her own and will do anything to get the answers she seeks for her mother's death. In a bid for answers, her path crosses with Samael and she is given no choice but to bond herself to him or face death. Even with these odds, Danica is fierce enough to go toe to toe with the Demon so used to getting his way. "I held the knife up to the light. Tiny, sharp, and deadly. Just like the woman who wielded it." - Samael The chemistry between them is delicious and he tempts her maliciously. He wants her for her feisty spirit, but her backbone is the reason she refuses to give in. And while she may cross lines she wished she wouldn't, Samael has a huge battle in winning her heart - if that's what he wants in the end. "Samael was dangerous. Not in a loose cannon kind of way, but in a strategic, out-for-himself, Machiavellian kind of way." - Danica This was a great start to the series, both mysterious and action-packed. I loved the different paranormal fractions in this world and the undercurrent of tension building in their society. There were so many characters who I wanted to get to know better! Bigger complications are in store for both Danica's and Samael's hunt for revenge, and the lengths they will go to to get it as the series continues in book two. Expect more book reviews to come from the Deals with Demons series! Tropes and Themes: Enemies to Lovers, Demons, Hell, Fated Mates, Bonds, Paranormal Romance, Magic, Witches, Shifters, Dystopia, Urban Fantasy. Blurb I hunt demons. I don’t work for them. And I promised my mom one thing before she was murdered: Under no circumstances, would I ever go near the high demons. But I’ll break that promise over and over again if it helps me avenge her death. When my only lead winds up dead in the middle of demon territory, I’m suddenly in deep shit. Violence in Samael’s club is a death sentence… unless he can use you. And it turns out that the scariest demon in the Triangle has a use for little ol’ me. Demons are being slaughtered. His demons. And as a bounty hunter, it’s up to me to find out who would dare hurt his people. I’ve got two weeks to find the killer, and if I fail, I’m bonded to Samael. Forever. Samael’s certain that I’ll be his, but I’m not the kinda girl who risks her freedom for a demon. I’m the kinda girl who won’t let anyone get in the way of her vengeance— not even the Machiavellian control freak who thinks he can run my life. The problem? I’ve pissed the wrong people off. Now I’m the one being hunted, and someone’s coming for me with everything they have. But I’m never more dangerous than when my back is up against the wall. And I’m ready to come out swinging.

  • Hell Fae Captive Book Review

    Author: Lexi C. Foss, J.R. Thorn Series: Hell Fae Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb I’ve been very hit-and-miss with Lexi C. Foss books, to be honest. Many of her books involve the kidnapping or captivity of the main heroine who then falls in lust or love with her captors. It's a delicate balance of emotions, circumstances, and redemption that this author isn't always successful with. Thankfully, Hell Fae Captivate is the exception and I'm glad I gave it a chance. Cami is tough and will not take shit. She is rightfully furious at the circumstances she finds herself in, but the blame is on her parents at the end of the day which means while they aren't blameless, her captors aren't necessarily at fault. She is a girl of action, but reasonable enough to recognize when brute force and attitude won't save her but logic and keeping her cool might. "The whys of the situation also didn't matter; only my survival did. Hell Fae Rule #1: Don't Die." - Cami Each potential lover Cami encounters has their own agenda, making it hard to determine their true intentions. None seem to wish her harm per se, but none seem to have her best interests at heart either. She is mostly enemies with everyone but that doesn't stop the lustful scenes between her and the men keeping her from freedom. The spice was high and varied, with more than one scene between mates without Cami. Her future relationships are hard to predict based on the different nature of how bonds are structured in this book, sexual or platonic. This one ends on a cliffhanger and the story continues with book two, 'Hell Fae Warden'. I'm invested enough to continue, there are so many questions left unanswered. Tropes and Themes: Enemies to Lovers, MM, Demons, Hell, Fated Mates, Bonds, Paranormal Romance, Reserve Harem, Why Choose Romance. Blurb My parents made a deal with the devil and now I’m a Hell Fae Captive. Enslaved. Owned. Thrown to the Hellhounds and expected to survive. Because only survivors earn their mates. It doesn’t matter that I don’t want to be a bride. I’m a Halfling. Part Hell Fae and part girl-who-doesn’t-give-a-shit. But because of a bargain, he owns me. Lucifer. The Hell Fae King who created this godforsaken realm. Also known as the orchestrator of these deadly bride trial games. Okay, Luci, I’ll play. By burning this whole kingdom to the ground. Assuming I don’t get caught in the hot Midnight Fae Warden’s web first. Or ensnared by the brooding Hell Fae Commander lurking outside the gates. And don’t even get me started on the Hell Fae King’s favored prince. That sexy lunatic won’t stop sending me gifts. No amount of hotness or sensual persuasion will keep me here. I’m not bride material. I’m a menace. You made a deal for the wrong girl, Lucifer. Prepare for the fight of your life.

  • Thrown to the Wolves Book Review

    SPOILER ALERT! I'm not in the business of ruining books, so if you haven't read this book yet, turn back now! Author: Lola Glass Series: Mate Hunt Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐ Spice: 🌶️ Goodreads Blurb "'Don't you growl at me for threatening you. You're the asshole who kidnapped me and trapped me in your house, wolf.'" - Teagan I hated this book from the get-go, I'm surprised I made it as far as I did. This is not going to be a very happy book review, so for those of you who loved it or don't want spoilers, turn back now! Teagan is minding her own business when a pack of guys walk into her work and her life changes forever. When one of them starts to change into a werewolf after making eye contact with her, his friends instantly kidnap Teagan ferrying her off into the woods without much explanation other than monsters exist and she's the newly changing wolf's mate. And of course, she has no power to stop this. Teagan doesn’t give up easily, I can say that much about her. Refusing to accept her fate, she does everything she can to get away but even when she is successful, the wolves still come for her. The wolves' friendliness is grating and condescending, no one seems to care about what she wants only what has to happen now in their ritual of mating. Yes, her mate Jesse may be perfect for her, but being just fine that she could die from a bite he is fated to give her makes him a horrible person. Let me repeat - don't bite people without consent! Unfortunately, Teagan slowly accepts her situation and buckles. In two days, she is practically in love with wolf Jesse as he bosses her around nonverbally. Although he can't talk, he is complicit in all of the life-changing things that are being thrust onto her. The fact that he stashed away some money for this exact situation that he knew was going to happen just not to which girl does not make it any better. It just makes the kidnapping premeditated. "Victim or not, I had to deal with the hand I'd been dealt. And I'd been dealt a werewolf." - Teagan I stuck it out for as long as I did to see human Jesse, I was curious how that part would go and hoped Teagan held out against him. But nope, he captures her heart in 2.5 seconds because they can't be away from each other with their bond so new and she can't resist a pretty face. Oh, and he's a nerd so he is her type (yes, we're using a 13-year-old's logic). I finally put myself out of my misery around the 70% mark. I just didn't care about any of the characters or their relationship at all. Everyone sucks in their way, but the werewolves and the world most of all. This book made me irrationally mad because the premise is so original! Building the relationship with the wolf before the man hasn't been done and this could have been such a great story. But nope, we got kidnappers, nonconsensual biting, and a cult like community that is a-okay with it all because 'they don't have a choice'. Tropes and Themes: Werewolves, Kidnapping, Fated Mates, Paranormal Romance, Shifters, Forced Proximity. Blurb All it took was one look to end my life... Because one look is all it takes to trigger a werewolf's mate hunt. And when a wolf is hunting, he doesn't stop until his mate either dies or becomes a wolf too. Now I'm trapped in some guy's house, he's stuck in his wolf form, and there's no way out for either of us. Life as I knew it is over, but my fight to survive is only beginning.

  • Celestia Book Review

    SPOILER ALERT! I'm not in the business of ruining books, so if you haven't read this book yet, turn back now! Author: Avery Phoenix Series: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐ Goodreads Blurb You'd think a book about a kickass unicorn shifter with a split personality would be an automatic four stars for creativity alone but unfortunately, this one fell flat. The delivery and pacing were clunky at the best of times and 'Mary Sue' Celestia and her lovers belonged in a middle school romance. Look, insta-love doesn't bother me. However, how every guy in the misfit pack fell to his knees for her so quickly was not well done. Not only was she let into their circle of friendship, Celestia became the center of their worlds in an instant. While each of the guys had unique paranormal types or abilities, they were cookie-cutter and completely identical in voice and bland personality. Celestia's backstory is full of holes that make the story unbelievable, even for a fantasy reverse harem romance. Somehow, both her parents left her to live alone at the age of six, assuming the town's people would check in on her....sure great plan. Then, she tells everyone she is a unicorn shifter but since her parents said it was dangerous she refuses to shift - it's okay to talk about it but not prove it somehow. Finally, she stoically takes the mocking and abuse of the town's people for years but doesn't tell her parents until it gets so bad she contemplates suicide and her eventual mentor finally decides she's ready to train to fight. "I was the only unicorn shifter in existence, or so the records claimed. Not that it mattered; no one believed me anyway." - Celestia Celestia may be the clumsiest girl alive, how many times can she walk into a wall? She is confident in specific instances but annoyingly vulnerable and naive in others. Her catchphrase was "I don't know anything about love" and I cringed every time. I generally preferred Cia (the other personality) over Celestia - she was a driven character whose pragmatic nature called to my own. So when it was revealed that she would eventually be absorbed into Celestia's main persona I knew I wasn't going to move forward with the series. "She was the brains and I was the badass." - Cia The world building wasn't very concrete and the magic system seemed convoluted. Not only are there shifters, but some also have magic powers depending on what type of creature they are. My final complaint is the inconsistent title of the book, Celestia: Year One. Celestia was at the academy for three months before the revelation that it was all a test. She and her team are then admitted to the 'real' academy at the end of book one and the next in the series is titles Celestia: Year Two which just isn't correct. "Congratulations. As Headmaster, I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the REAL Aslan Academy for Hunters and Huntresses. You have passed." Ultimately, this read as a YA paranormal romance despite the fact the characters are in their mid-twenties. With zero spice besides a couple of lustful glances, there wasn't a big point in making everyone as old as they were. And unless the spice ramps up dramatically, the characters would have been more consistent as teenagers. This book only received two stars because I finished it, and only so I could write this review. Tropes and Themes: Magic, Shifters, Academy, Paranormal, Fantasy, Unicorns, Insta-love, Reverse Harem, Why Choose. Blurb What do you get when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician? A unicorn shifter… You’d think being the only known unicorn shifter in the world would have a few benefits. Like, people treating you kindly or getting special treatment from the council. Not in my case. I'd be lucky to get a piece of bread thrown at me. My name is Celestia Rainbow, and yes, my last name is fucking Rainbow. Shifters assume that I’m kind by nature, but trust me: I’m fierce, short-tempered and have the mouth of a sailor. Add in my stealthy fighting skills, advanced magic casting, and swift movement, I'm someone you wouldn't want to mess with. But everyone looks at my shifter side – my ditzy, peaceful half, sprinkling magic dust, and on a mission to end world hunger. Regardless of my dual personality, I’ve sworn to become a huntress at Aslan Academy. Now that I’m of age--my lucky twenty-fifth birthday just happens to coincide with the entrance exams--I’m ready to prove my worth. Too bad I’m grouped up with six sinful looking men. Time to prove to my community, classmates and this attractive bunch of weirdos that unicorns can kick ass too.

  • Vicious Creatures Book Review

    Author: Lauretta Hignett Series: The Waif in the Wilds Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Goodreads Blurb This girl kills bad people and she isn’t sorry about it. If you’re convinced you're destined to go to hell when you die, you might as well take a few people with you, right? On the run from the only life she has ever known, Chloe is lost without a purpose other than killing those who made her into a killer. Circumstances lead her to a paranormal town with secrets of its own and Chloe is faced with the choice to find a way to accept her past or give up. She has so much pent-up grief and anger that she can't see a future for herself, but even those who have committed atrocious acts can find redemption in loyalty and helping those who need it most. "This is the only thing that gives me peace. Killing people like you is the only thing that silences the screaming in my head, just for a moment, and I relish it." - Chloe As Chloe starts to collect friends in Castlemaine, we are introduced to some truly fun secondary characters who may have as much baggage as her own demons. The standout was obviously Dwayne, the vicious sidekick was delightfully surly with a personality to match his ego. Whoever thought a goose couldn't be fierce never met a goose - even if Dwayne may be more than just a normal bird. I loved the magical tease of this world and the slow unfolding of past events mixed in with the present. The first chapter drags you right into the action, there is little lead-in or explanation until further into the book. Stick with it, the story is worth it I promise, and all will be revealed. "Goddamnit, I was like a leaky tap these days. Child Assassin Chloe never cried. Sweet Dumb Chloe cried at insurance commercials. Who the fuck was I now?" - Chloe This was a story of grief, abuse, and depression, but also the power of companionship to heal. Chloe's determination and strength will only serve her well as she integrates into Castlemaine and finds her place in the paranormal town for morally grey individuals. And I just know Malik Malleus, the prime candidate for a slow-burn love interest, won't be able to keep Chloe at arm's length forever. While some plot lines are concluded, more persist to the next book and there is a cliffhanger. I can't wait to pick up book two! Tropes and Themes: Urban Fantasy, Magic, Mystery, Paranormal, Vampires, Angels, Hell, Dystopia, Animal Sidekick, Monsters, Small Town, Slow Burn. Blurb I've been asleep for the past ten years. The horror of waking up from the best dream ever and remembering you’re a monster is indescribable. My soul is screaming for mercy, for forgiveness, for redemption… but I know I’ll never get it. I’m going to Hell for everything I’ve done. The only thing I can do now is take as many monsters with me as I can. My list is almost complete. There’s one more name to go, and it’s the hardest job I’ve ever done. I’m on my way to Castlemaine — a bizarre little town hidden in between Wildwood Canyon and the Badlands of California. Strange things lurk in Castlemaine. It’s the Bermuda Triangle of the United States — a place of weird old magic, odd people, and vicious creatures like me. Nobody ever wants to go there, because they might not ever come back. But I’ve got no choice. I’m going to take out the man who taught me to kill.

  • Marked Book Review

    SPOILER ALERT! I'm not in the business of ruining books, so if you haven't read this book yet, turn back now! Author: Lexxi James Series: The Boys of Bishop Mountain Series Book #1 Category: Contemporary Romance Rating: ⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb Strap in folks. I read this hot mess of a billionaire, military, brother's best friend, second chance romance so you don't have to. If the sheer amount of tropes packed into this book doesn't scare you away, maybe this review might. Jess has been in love with her brother's best friend Mark since they were young. Though he's never treated her better than a bully, a brief kiss between them gives them a hint at what they could be, if Mark wasn't due to set off for a military mission. After a series of miscommunications, Jess is convinced Mark doesn't want to see her and he is convinced she deserted him when he needed her most. When Mark visits his hometown 8 years later, he doesn't immediately recognize her. Once he discovers who she is, he offers her an obscene amount of money for her new charity and propositions her for a weeks-long affair. Not only does it feel like he's bribing her for 'services', but he admits to himself he's in love with her but wants to work it out of his system. What a gentleman. "I'm still a red-headed mountain girl struggling to make my way in the world while he is the billionaire-in-the-making Marcus Evan Donovan." - Jess Jess is a firecracker, willing to put in the work to stand up for what she believes in. She is babied heavily by her older brothers but no one can tell her what to do or what she wants in life. They are set on selling their deceased parents' land and frame it as in her best interest since she refuses to move on. In reality, they come off as just wanting the proceeds of the sale. Their second chance romance is more of an extended one-night stand until Mark realizes he is willing to put in work to make it permanent. Even then, though the two have enough history to come between them, it's Mark's obsession with work and tendency to take things out on Jess that finally drives her away. Not only a combat military man but also a billionaire CEO and a great cook, Mark is wishy-washy and weak. He lets his emotions get the best of him and lashes out when things don't go according to his plans. After groveling over his latest emotional outburst and failed proposal, Jess pushes him away but only because she can't have kids. I absolutely hated how much of her self-worth for this more than less-than-perfect man is wrapped up in giving him biological children. Women are worth more than their ovaries and Jess' character deserved more than this warped thinking. Thankfully or not, Mark reveals he was adopted so he is okay with Jess not being able to have children. He knew all along about her secret, hence them never using condoms. He proposes a second time and they run off to have marathon sex while their families cook for them in the kitchen next door because they will need their strength. I wish I had made up that last sentence. The pacing of this book was off, in a big way. Mark and Jess spend more time apart than together, and as a result, there is little chemistry between them that isn't more tell than show. The story suffers from time jumps that just don't make sense and the climax of the story happens at the 60% mark, then there are still another 100 pages to go. Plot holes I couldn't overlook: Mark and Jess haven't seen each other in 8 years, even though he is still best friends with her brother and even employs him. Zac, Mark's brother, has lunch with Jess weekly in their small town despite working in the city which is 3-4 hours away It's mentioned Jess checks out Mark's third finger for a ring instead of the fourth finger. Mark was hit by a bullet during the shootout scene but it's only mentioned as an afterthought a chapter later, not in the moment. Mark only uses American cheese for grilled cheese, but then makes her one with tomatoes It's winter, admittedly cold, but there is a scene where Mark is fishing in pajamas and sleeping outside This might have been one of the worst contemporary romance books I've read, it was truly that awful. My sole purpose in finishing this book was so I could write this book review with all the spoilers imaginable to warn others away. Someone else must have hated this as much as I did right!? Tropes and Themes: Billionaire, Military, Veteran, Second Chance Romance, Brother's Best Friend, Small Town, Enemies to Lovers. Blurb Jess Meet Mark Donovan. Ex-Army sniper. CEO of a multi-billion dollar global empire. Chiseled to the nth degree. And a man I want nothing to do with. I know the type. Dangerous. Sexy. A bad-boy who fills out a Tom Ford suit or pair of Calvin's in equally drool-worthy ways. At his core, The worst kind of heart-breaker. The kind who doesn't even know he did it. Mark Eight years ago I nearly died. And it wasn't that I didn't remember her. I didn't recognize her. There's a difference. She was a kid. And I was a soldier… Two seconds from deploying with her brother for our third, and final, tour. One I wasn’t sure I'd be coming back from. She thinks I don't remember. That kiss was beautiful. Innocent. It kept me alive when I thought it might be my last. How could I ever forget? I came back broken. Heartless. Ruthless. I grew rich beyond my wildest dreams by burying the best parts of myself. Who I was. What I'd been through. Killing away all the pieces of me that mattered…everything except that kiss. So, shove me off all you want, country girl. Because you've just landed in my sights, And you're about to be mine.

  • How to Fall in Love with a Demon Book Review

    Author: Lola Glass Series: Deceit and Devotion Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb "You agreed to be my mate, Tatum. Two minutes after we met, in fact." - Rafael One wrong sarcastic comment and Tatum is mated to a demon who really doesn’t seem to care much that he tricked her into it. Their worlds are vastly different despite the casual interactions between humans and monsters and Tatum is forced to figure out how to balance this new life she was forced into. Rafael is unremorseful and pretty rude considering he needs Tatum to play along nicely with their mating to stay out of jail. He seems to have all the answers on how they will move forward, except for how Tatum will feel about it. And considering he is starving for lust, her lust being the only one he can feed from, Rafael should probably have tried harder, in the beginning, to get on her good side. Ultimately, he never really learns from his mistakes, always trying to take over Tatum's life without giving her choices. Tatum is a trooper, taking everything in stride while trying to keep ahold of the important parts of her life. I thought she was WAY too understanding of his high-handed behavior at times but the girl is practical. Mating isn't something she can change so she works hard to make the best of the situation. "Regardless of how it had occurred, I was permanently mated to a demon. I was becoming a demon because of it. I was going to have to feed my mate, and feed from him. There was no way around any of those facts, so there was no point in trying to escape or avoid them." - Tatum There were very real problems with their relationship, aside from the forced mating, but they finally got to a good place. Mostly because Tatum refused to live miserably for eternity. This wasn't as kinky as I'd have predicted considering Rafael is a demon, but it does feature plenty of spice. "'I expect to flirt, spoil, and fuck my way into your life until neither of us of us an ounce of desire to live apart again.'" - Rafael Overall, this one was fun with a lot of fluff, but that is okay! When I picked this book up for reviewing, I wanted something funny, a bit far-fetched, and absolutely entertaining - and that's what I got. The world-building needs some holes filled in and the characters weren't anything outrageously special but I will definitely put the next book in the series, 'How to Fall in Like with a Monster', on my TBR list. Tropes and Themes: Demons, Fated Mates, Bakery, Vampires, Paranormal Romance, Shifters, Forced Proximity. Blurb It was an average day… until a gorgeous demon waltzed into my coffee shop and asked me to be his mate. I jokingly agreed, but he was serious. And now I'm mated to him. Permanently. He drinks lust to survive, so that makes me his immortal meal. If that wasn't bad enough, he's just gotten out of prison. Because I accidentally bound myself to him, I automatically take responsibility for keeping him on the right side of the law. So, now I'm living with a rich, dangerously-attractive demon, while a dragon shifter watches us to make sure our marriage is legit, and that my husband doesn't fall back into his sketchy ways… because if he does, we're both going back to prison.

  • P.S. You're Intolerable Book Review

    Author: Julia Wolf Series: The Harder They Fall Series Book #3 Category: Contemporary Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb "I did not have 'live with my boss' on this year's Bingo card. Then again, I didn't have 'have a baby' or 'go bankrupt,' yet boom - here I was." - Catherine Man, I am such a sucker for a workplace romance. There's something about it that instantly makes me push 'read for free' on Kindle Unlimited. 'P.S. You're Intolerable' was no exception, I read this one in a single night. It wasn't perfect, but highly addicting and once the story got going, I couldn't put it down. Talk about a series of bad decision-making, Catherine put herself in a bad situation that's for sure. ✅ Letting a guy friend convince you to sink your savings into a money pit of a fixer-upper ✅ Getting accidentally pregnant by said guy friend ✅ Keeping the baby when he talks you into it ✅Trusting him to project manage when he has no skin in the game ✅ Being surprised he walks "Everything was fine. My world definitely wasn't crumbling around me. If I kept thinking that, maybe it would be true." - Catherine Catherine put her trust in the wrong person and then kept making the same mistake when her friend was not reliable. Thankfully the girl is scrappy, and finally learned that she should be slow to trust. Her naivety and neediness made her not my favorite character but she was a good person and a good match for Eliot. Her complete opposite in almost every way, Elliot is stoic and reserved, but observant in everything but how his words affect others. But as he allows himself to spend time with Catherine, he recognizes how cold he has been and tries to show her how much she has come to mean to him. By far he was one of those men whose actions speak more loudly than his words ever will. This one is a slow-burn romance, but once the walls come down there was plenty of spice to go around. Elliot knows what he likes and Catherine is more than happy to let him lead. Their relationship outside of the physical stuff was solid as well. Characters who actually talk to one another and own up to reactions that stem from past wounds? Who knew it was possible? "He demanded my pleasure like it was rightfully his. Like I owed it to him. If I'd been capable of solid though, I wouldn't have been surprised Elliot was this way in bed. It was just who he was in every avenue." - Catherine This book was cruising to an easy five stars for this book review but the end was horribly rushed. In a mismatched turn of events, readers are forced to ingest a hurricane of drama that didn't need to be there. At 94%, events should be wrapping up not new elements crammed together. Still, highly recommend this workplace romance to everyone out there who likes a good boss-hole in their romance novel. Tropes and Themes: Workplace Romance, Single Mother, Grumpy x Sunshine, Curvy FMC, Boss x PA, Breeding Kink, Slow Burn. Blurb My boss, Elliot Levy is intolerable, and I tell him so everyday…in the little notes I write and then hide in the back of my desk. I can’t exactly say to his face that I’m convinced he’s a cyborg, considering I'm about to become a single mother and I really need to keep my job as his assistant. Elliot never looks at me, so he doesn’t even notice I’m pregnant until I’m seven months along. The first thing he asks is if I’m planning to come back to work once I have the baby. Not unexpected. What is unexpected is Elliot coming to my rescue when I need a place to stay after my daughter is born. While living with him, I get to see a whole other side of him…especially when he walks around his house without a shirt on. Which he does, ALL. THE. TIME. I shouldn’t look, but I can’t help it. He’s gorgeous in a suit, but out of one? Devastating. Elliot shows me he isn’t the heartless robot I once thought. It’s still terrifying to take a chance on him, even when he holds my baby like she’s precious to him, and he touches me like he’s been longing to for ages. Now that he has me, he isn’t letting me go without a fight. And Elliot Levy didn’t get where he is in business without learning a few underhanded tricks. What will he do to keep me? To keep us? P.S. I think I’m falling for you.

  • Psycho Academy Book Review

    Author: Jasmine Mas Series: Cruel Shifterverse Series Book #4 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️🌶️ Goodreads Blurb Book four in the Cruel Shifterverse series, the focus shifts to Aran's story when she is ripped away from Sadie and voluntold her presence is required at the Elite Academy. Without a choice, Aran wavers on the idea of giving up on life even as she endures abuse and painful training under the guise of turning her into a soldier in the school's exclusive assassin division. No one knows she is the new Fae Queen in hiding, or even that she is a woman at all. "As a girl, I was born to breed. As a man, I was cold and hard. My features reflected how I felt on the inside - angry, depressed, dead. Most importantly, empty." - Aran My heart breaks for Aran, this book is filled with not only her physical pain but almost more importantly her emotional disassociation brought on by a traumatic life that never lets up. She is surrounded by horrible men who want to break someone who is already broken and adrift without Sadie, one of the only people who has ever made her feel happy. Aran is determined not to die but has little to no will left to live. The Kings are cruel, no surprise there, but they took it to even a higher level than Sadie's mates did in previous books. Some of their actions are unredeemable and I struggle to understand how their redemption might play out if it is even possible at all. Aside from John, an unlikely friend, all of the men in this book are practically evil and glorify violence to the extreme. "The most powerful people in the universe, and I walked beside them. A female masquerading as a male and a fae, with a monster in my head and a bounty on my heart. There was no scenario where this ended well for me." - Aran You’d think that the amount of Aran's internal dialogue in the book would be boring, but seriously I could live in her head for years and not get bored. Aran is dramatic, sarcastic, and pertinently annoyed by the situation she finds herself in and her dark humor calls to me. She is the poster child of a lady who has had enough of ridiculously fragile male egos and couldn't care less about who knows how she feels about it. "Leaders were forged in misery. Mother was wrong. I was ruthless. Cruel. Cunning. The coldest of them all. A queen was born." - Aran Yes, the book is wildly outrageous, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it immensely if you couldn't tell from this review. Like all of the Cruel Shifterverse books, this one ends on a cliffhanger, and it's a big one that flips the story on its head and changes everything readers have believed about the story so far. I'd advise you just go ahead and purchase the rest of the books available in the series when you start 'Psycho Academy', don't delay! Tropes and Themes: Paranormal Romance, Monsters, Enemies to Lovers, Why Choose, Reverse Harem, Fated Mates, Abuse, Academy, Torture, Vampires, Demons, Shifters, Slow Burn. Blurb I'm disguised as a a supernatural war academy. But it isn't school, it's combat training. And I didn't count on the three Kings who want to make my life a living hell. Seven foot tall, covered in tattoos, and angry at the world, they're like no men I've ever met before. Then, there are my male instructors...enemies from my past. They all think I'm weak. Pathetic. Powerless. Just wait till they find out I'm secretly the rightful ruler to the seat of death–the missing Fae Queen. I'm the daughter of a monster. There's violence in my veins. They keep trying to break me....but dictators are born from pain.

  • Green Gryphon Book Review

    Author: J.S. Kennedy Series: Mackenzie Green Series Book #1 Category: Paranormal Romance Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Spice: 🌶️ Goodreads Blurb The urban fantasy 'Green Gryphon' grabbed my attention from the first chapter and continued to pull me in page after page. The world-building is unique and intriguing, I can't wait to learn more about the Catch and Release Guild and magic. I loved the dichotomy of a magical but synthetic materials-deprived city and all of the challenges that came with the blend. the guilds and their justice system are even more interesting. "Funny thing. The world has gone to hell, reverted to the stone age. We barely had indoor plumbing. But the first frivolous thing mages recreated were cell phones. It turns out people really cant live without them" - Mackenzie Mackenzie Green is a badass hunter and everything I've ever wanted in my urban fantasy heroines. She is strong mentally and physically, with a murky backstory that only gets more horrible the more that is revealed. No matter her dark upbringing, she is wittingly tough but has a heart of gold and loyalty in spades. "I hated that sometimes being hurt was the price of putting food on the table, but I would take far worse to keep the kids from going hungry again." - Mackenzie The protectiveness she shows her family is admirable and her sole focus is to keep them safe and happy while atoning for sins she doesn't truly have on her hands. While she holds her cards to close the vest, some people have sunk through her defenses to become part of her inner circle. Mackenzie Green may be my favorite character from 2023. Lucan is a hothead and used to getting what he wants as the Dragon Protector. Too bad Mackenzie couldn't care less and won’t let that self-importance slide. He's pompous, and arrogant and thinks very little of her because of snap judgments and prejudices. Their potential romance is hinted at more than once but unless Lucan has a personality transplant, I don't see Mackenzie giving him the time of day outside of some lustful stolen stares. "I didn't need a man to protect me. At least, not in the physical sense. Someone I could trust with the broken bits of my soul. Now that was my ideal man." - Mackenzie The Green family is a team, always there for one another. This crew is adorably close and they've been through so much together it's clear they'd do anything for each other. Each of the kids is incredibly strong in their own right but obviously trusts Mackenzie to lead the family. She works hard as a hunter to provide them with opportunities and a normal life that she never had the chance to have. This first book 'Green Gryphon' in the series introduces us to Mackenzie, her family, and the Catch and Release Guild as Mackenzie works to solve a case Lucan hired her for. By the end of the story, the case may be wrapped up, but there are still so many things ahead for the Green family and mysteries about their past to unravel. I can’t wait to continue the series! Tropes and Themes: Paranormal Romance, Dragons, Monsters, Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, Mercenaries, Vampire, Magic, Mages, Fantasy Romance, Slow Burn, Fated Mates. Blurb The Dragon Protector asking Mackenzie for a favor—Maybe the sky truly has fallen. Mackenzie works for Catch and Release, a bounty-hunting guild, and she loves her job. She goes after the usual suspects: Rogue vampires, feral shifters, and crazed mages. Nightmare stuff. The last thing she ever imagined was Lucan, an infuriating and high-ranking dragon shifter, hiring her to find a child kidnapped from his Tribe. Even though her magical talents lean more towards bodyguarding and hunting dangerous beings, condemning a kid to death isn’t who she is. But as Mackenzie gets deeper into her hunt, she uncovers deadly secrets surrounding the child, the kidnapper, and Lucan himself. One thing’s for sure; when the going gets tough, Mackenzie gets dangerous.

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